Menstruation and pregnancy

5 min de lectura

Menstruation and pregnancy? You are doing everything right and fulfilling the recommended care during pregnancy. You keep the exercise routine within your means, do not carry too much weight, you eat well, you are with the exams up to date.

But at some point, you go to the bathroom and see a little blood going down. “Does menstruation and pregnancy coincide? and now that?

The fear is great. Bleeding in this period can be very scary for many pregnant women. Next, we clarify the main doubts that may arise. However, if you are having this bleeding process, at the end of the article it is time to visit a gynecologist to carry out an in-depth study of the situation.

Menstruation and pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Is it possible to menstruate pregnant?

It's not possible. But to understand why, first you have to understand what the menstrual flow is like.

Each cycle, the uterus prepares to receive the embryo. Menstruation occurs when there is no fertilization of the ovule. It is removed together with layers of the uterus and endometrial tissue. That blood is called menstruation.

Even when the ovum is fertilized, the hormones begin to act differently in the body. Estrogen and progesterone rise and prepare the endometrium, part of the uterus, to receive and protect the embryo.

When this is already implanted, there is an elevation of the chorionic gonadotrophin, or HCG, which prevents the woman from ovulating while she is pregnant. Therefore, if there is no ovulation, the body can not produce menstruation.

So can bleeding just before the day of menstruation indicate pregnancy? yes. But, in reality, it is a small bleeding, not considered as menstruation. It can occur for several reasons, such as excess hormones, anxiety, but the main thing is the implantation of the ovum in the endometrium (nidation).

Pregnancy and menstruation are two different processes. While one is in development, the other enters a pause, waiting for the end of the pregnancy to start menstruation again.

Now, it is normal that after delivery it takes a little while to get menstruation, but the wait is 2 to 8 days longer than what would be your next period. If menstruation does not come by this time, you should visit your gynecologist.

Remember that, when referring to your next period, it means when you start to make a mixed diet for your baby, because while you are in the process of breastfeeding, menstruation is still suspended, because prolactin is generated, a hormone that inhibits ovarian function.

The organism, thanks to human nature, knows about the state of the mother. Therefore, it considers that the energy reserves and are dedicated exclusively to the lactation of the baby.

In this way, a natural protection of a new pregnancy is activated, trying to guarantee that the breast milk reaches for the development of the baby.

However, it is not necessary to fully trust that it is a contraceptive method, as women frequently become pregnant during the breastfeeding stage of their baby.

The red bleeding in pregnancy?

The blood that may fall during this period has a different appearance than a real menstruation. While in menstruation the blood is usually more intense, reddish and clots, blood in pregnancy is less, lasts less and it has the most brown coloration.

Menstruation and pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

In pregnancy, that blood, when healthy, is called nidation. It is more common in the first trimester, but it can also occur in the other stages and presents some reasons such as:

· Hormonal changes, often in couples undergoing fertility treatments.

· Small desquamation of the uterine wall caused by implantation of the ovum, often hours after sexual intercourse.

· Displacement of the gestational pocket, occurring at the end of the first quarter.

· Gynecological infections, this requires medical attention.

· Sensitivity after sex.

· Ectopic pregnancy, which is when the baby grows outside the uterus. It can cause pain and hemorrhage. It is usually discovered in the first tests, and the doctor already makes the recommendations.

· Already at the end of pregnancy, from the third trimester, there should be more attention of the woman, since it can mean that she is entering into labor or that she still has cervical dilation.

How long does the hemorrhage last?

When it is the nesting, which is the most common and occurs in the first weeks, it lasts around two or three days. Many women confuse menstruation with menstruation and that is why they believe they are not pregnant.

What risks does the woman have?

It is not always a symptom of some risk, since, as already said, the nidation taken in the first weeks can cause bleeding.

It is good to be careful when blood occurs closer to the end of pregnancy and when it comes in large quantities, accompanied by colic. That indicates a possibility of premature birth or miscarriage.

What to do in case of bleeding?

It is best to go to a hospital or your doctor to check the severity through tests, such as ultrasound. Some pregnancies are classified as high risk and in them the doctor advises that the woman only rest at home.

Can physical exercises cause bleeding?

When the pregnant woman follows all the guidelines of the specialists, doing lighter activities, not doing sit-ups and not taking a lot of weight, it is difficult that the physical practices are harmful.

On the contrary, they are good for helping the future mother maintain her health and activate blood circulation, in addition to maintaining good humor and help in hormonal regulation. it is only recommended that they be made from the second trimester, since in the first three months a spontaneous abortion may occur.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Menstruación y embarazo
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