50 dead whales on a remote Icelandic beach

A pilot and his crew during a tourist tour found about 50 dead pilot whales or whales on a distant beach in Iceland, this is an estimated number since there were already many buried in the sand.

"There could have been more. Some were already buried in the sand," added Schwarzhans. All the pilot whales were in the same place; For both the pilot and the crew, it was a very sad scene with questions about why such an event.
Even scientists cannot understand the causes of the event, according to some versions that have been made to explain the phenomenon, it is said that it could be that the whales came very close to the coast and that later they died from dehydration.
Also, another version says that it could be due to a collective confusion or anomalies in the Earth's geomagnetic field. Although it is true that it is very common to see how the whales run aground in the sand and die when they are trapped there.
Whales are animals that are kept in groups, part of their characteristics is being very social with each other, this leads to the fact that if a leading pilot whale runs aground, everyone joins it, generating massive deaths.