Athlete Nathalie Birli was run over, kidnapped and tied naked to a chair: "It was a horror movie"

3 min de lectura

Nathalie Birli trembles when she remembers what she experienced in a kidnapping that she still does not understand how she could get out alive. This girl lived hours of terror when a subject kept her kidnapped and naked, tied to a chair, beating her and threatening her with a knife.

Birli went out to train as usual, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon in Graz, her hometown, suddenly a car ran over her and she, still in pain, waited for the driver to offer her help, fearing some serious injury. Her surprise was to observe that the subject walked seriously towards her and hit her to immobilize her even more and forced her into the car.

Athlete Nathalie Birli was run over, kidnapped and tied naked to a chair: "It was a horror movie"

Hours of terror for Nathalie Birli, tied naked to a chair

The athlete says that the subject drove away to an unpopulated area where he had a house, again forcibly lowered her with blows, brought her into the house, took off all her clothes and tied her to a chair. At all times the threatening knife of the man kept her nervous to try something.

"A thousand thanks to everyone who looked for me yesterday. You couldn't have found me. They beat me, beat me, tied me up and took me to a small house on the street, like a bad movie. Thank God I was able to free myself, and I'm fine, except for a broken arm and a head injury, "wrote Nathalie Birli on her Facebook profile, excited to have come out of that nightmare.

In a strange way, the kidnapper finally decided to take her in his car and leave her abandoned, which confirms the mental disorder that the subject must have. Despite not having violated her, the blows were marked on the body and soul of Nathalie, who explained all the details to the police.

The work of the agents was facilitated thanks to the GPS of Nathalie Birli's bicycle, the description of the car and the memory of the young triathlete who, despite being beaten and threatened, was able to remember a good part of the route that the kidnapper took to take her to the house where he kept her tied up.

For now, the athlete gradually overcomes the psychological trauma of the episode, in a fact that dismayed the entire population since there are no frequent crimes of this type in the area and what the man did, 33 years old and already arrested by the authorities, it looks like something out of a suspense movie.

Athlete Nathalie Birli was run over, kidnapped and tied naked to a chair: "It was a horror movie"
