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Biden warns that a food crisis is coming

2 min de lectura

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, warned that the food crisis that is coming is real, this was one of the main topics in the meeting that took place last Thursday in Brussels.

Biden warns that a food crisis is coming – News – WebMediums
Russia and Ukraine supply 30% of sunflower oil worldwide.

Similarly, he pointed out that the sanctions that weigh on Russia will not only affect Moscow but will extend to other latitudes, including Europe and the US, so it is important to take timely measures to minimize the impact on the population.

Russia and Ukraine have been "Europe's largest suppliers of bread", and due to the war and sanctions, both the production and export of wheat have been affected and the impact is already beginning to be felt.

Likewise, the US president reported that he has already advanced talks with G7 leaders to take measures and "end the trade restrictions" that some wheat-producing countries have.

Biden announced that the United States and Canada are large producers of wheat, so they have started talks to increase exports of the item and thus alleviate food shortages. The fundamental points are focused on “what it would be, what they would need, to alleviate those concerns”.

According to information provided by the United Nations Organization (UN) , Ukraine supplies more than half of the wheat for the World Food Program (WFP), which helps fight hunger worldwide.

More than 45 countries in Africa buy a third of their wheat from Ukraine or Russia, while 18 other nations buy half or more.

It should be noted that kyiv and Moscow also supply around 30% of sunflower oil worldwide. Therefore, Europe and the United States are urgently needed to obtain new suppliers of these items.

