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Chile: Woman dies after undergoing aesthetic treatment in false aesthetic clinic
The woman visited this clinic that was in a common house, to perform the buttock augmentation procedure with a so-called collagen

Leslie Vergara Osvez, died after undergoing treatment for aesthetic reasons, in a clandestine clinic, in Las Condes, Santiago de Chile.
The patient had certain complications and had to be transferred to a hospital, where she died.
One of her best friends declared before the Chilean media that those responsible for the alleged clinic were reluctant to take Vergara to a health center to receive professional care due to negligence.
She also commented that she arrived at approximately 10:00 p.m., at which time she asked for the door to be opened and no one answered.
After a few minutes, a man opens the door and tells her that no one is there. At that time he received the information that they had to leave urgently to the Cordillera Clinic.
A neighbor said she heard her friend scream as they watched her being dragged away. This man was with the detainee, Jorge Flores.
This witness stated that he heard one of the women say that it was not necessary to take the patient to the clinic. He assured that he was the only one who wanted to be taken. This woman, just yelled at him to react, while hitting him in the face, minutes later they put oxygen on him.
Leslie was transferred by the people in charge of carrying out the supposed aesthetic treatment.
Upon receiving statements from the witnesses, the Carabineros team proceeded to apprehend four people, including the real estate mourner, and who were present at the procedure that caused Vergara's death.
In 2019, this site had been closed. However, he continued to make a presence on social networks, where he offered his services.