Details of the attack on Kyoto Animation released

2 min read

After the terrible fire that occurred in Kyoto last Thursday, the authorities released details of the events that occurred at the Kyoto Animation studios. This is considered the worst attack to have occurred in Japan in the last 20 years.

Details of the attack on Kyoto Animation released – News – WebMediums

In 2001 there was also a similar attack, in a building in Kabukicho the gas attack in Sarín in the subway took the lives of 13 people in 1995. This recent attack was named as the worst that has occurred in the aforementioned country..

In the fire, 12 men, 20 women and another person whose sex was unknown were killed, and 35 other people were injured. Official data.

Some time after controlling and paying for the flames in the building for more than 4 hours, the police in the area entered the place where the bodies of the dead people were found in different parts of the place.

They found 20 bodies on the staircase leading to the roof exit, 11 bodies on the second floor of the building and two more on the floor below. In total, 74 people were at the scene.
Details of the attack on Kyoto Animation released – News – WebMediums

It is said that it was so fast as the fire spread through the building that the people who were there did not have time to get out.

They claim that some of the victims who managed to escape the fire jumped through the windows of the second and third floors, causing considerable fractures to the body.

Shinji Aoba, 41, was the person who caused this unfortunate fire, apparently a man suffering from mental problems as yet unidentified. When the man was captured, who also suffered injuries from the fire, he claimed that his ideas had been plagiarized and that the studios had stolen him.

Many of the followers of the studio's creations lamented the loss of the lives of such talented creationists. And one of them said "I was very encouraged by the works of KyoAni", "I have no words to express my sadness."

Details of the attack on Kyoto Animation released – News – WebMediums
