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Elon Musk sets two conditions to solve the problem of world hunger
The South African businessman has become the richest man in the world. Will the answer to world hunger lie in his hands?

Ending hunger in the world has been one of the dreams of thousands of people throughout history, something that many have long classified as a utopia, since no one, until now, had been able to donate money to do it.
Now, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, with a net worth of 307,000 million dollars, according to estimates by Forbes magazine; has pledged to contribute the money necessary to end the problem of world hunger, responding to the comment made by the director of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), David Beasley.
Beasley, in an interview with a US media outlet, said that billionaires like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos could donate $6 billion to save 42 million food insecure people.

Given this, Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, has said that he is willing to donate more than the stipulated amount, if the director of the PMA explains to him through a comment in the Tweet that published the way in which the 6,000 million dollars they will solve the hunger in the world.
The other condition that the South African businessman put in was that the accounting of the donated money be open, so that everyone can see how the money is being spent.
Richest man in the world
Elon Musk became the richest man in the world this year, and the first person with a net worth that exceeds 300,000 million dollars, (307,000 million to be more specific).
In recent months, Musk's fortune has grown rapidly, due to commercial successes, such as the sale of shares by SpaceX investors, which made the company the most valuable private company in the world.
It was valued at more than $100 billion. On the other hand, at the end of October this year, the Hertz company announced the purchase of 100,000 Tesla vehicles, which caused its prices to rise 13%.
Faced with these negotiations, the South African obtained 36.2 billion dollars in one day, which is why Forbes classified him as "probably the richest person who has ever walked the planet"; while the financial Morgan Stanley, indicated that Elon Musk could become the first billionaire on the globe.
World hunger

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the problem of hunger increasingly threatens the world, affecting millions of people, mainly children from countries like Ethiopia, South Sudan, Yemen and Madagascar, areas where high levels of child malnutrition are evident.
The Non-Governmental Organization Manos Unidas indicates that approximately 800 million people around the world go hungry.
Given this, he warns that the productive capacity of humanity today would be capable of providing food for 12 billion people, just under twice the world's population, which comprises 7 billion.
Observing these numbers, it seems that the problem is not hunger, or lack of money, but the little effort that the rulers put into this important issue. We could say that they have the solution in their hands and are not able to implement it.
Perhaps that is why Elon Musk asks that the accounting of the money he donates be kept public.
What causes hunger in the world

A person is considered to be in extreme poverty, when he or she lives with an income of $1.25 or less a day, and those who live in that state are mostly small farmers from developing countries, who do not have their own land to cultivate, and the money obtained from the sales is not enough to buy food once they run out.
Going back to what Unicef says, among the causes of hunger, we find: armed conflicts, which result in cuts in the supply of water and food, collapse of health systems.
The failures of these systems, in turn, cause what is known as food insecurity, which is increased in nations in conflict. Similarly, inflation is skyrocketing and the cost of food is increasing, and family incomes are minimal and non-existent.
On the other hand, the observatory of the NGO Manos Unidas, adds that hunger is also caused by foreign debt, which has a greater impact on poor countries, unfair trade relations between North and South, the bad intentions of large companies, speculation, banking, and corruption, especially in African, Asian and Latin American nations.
How to fix the problem

In addition to the money that Elon Musk or any other billionaire businessman can donate, as suggested by the director of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), David Beasley, there are two ways to solve the problem of hunger in the world.
The first option would be to increase the productive capacity of the families, which would result in an increase in their monthly income.
The second option, proposed by the NGO Manos Unidas, is to bring basic food directly to the affected families.
However, a more viable way would be the construction of a world government, which works to develop the creation of an organism in charge of controlling the speculation of raw materials, as well as the negative fluctuation of prices that affects the economy of families in rural areas.
Putting an end to all forms of hunger, as well as malnutrition is one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, some countries have committed to this task, the question is, will there be enough will to achieve it Considering that more and more we see how politicians and businessmen are involved in acts of corruption?