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German prince having no children, adopted a man to leave him his inheritance

Prince Frédéric von Anhalt is 78 years old and is recognized for being the last husband of the famous actress Zsa Zsa Gabor.

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German prince having no children, adopted a man to leave him his inheritance
Prince Frédéric has no heir

Prince Frédéric has no heir to his great fortune, so he made the decision to adopt the son of some friends to be the one to receive his assets. This decision was approved by the parents of the young man and did not affect the friendship with the biological father of his new son, Kevin Feucht.

Kevin's story is showcased in a new documentary series premiering January 31 on A&E called Adults Adopting Adults.

Feucht tells the New York Post that his father is a close friend of the prince and told him that he could stay at his house. Frédéric told him that he could stay if he helped him at home, worked with him on the computer, cooked for him from time to time, and took care of paying the bills.

The young man has a new birth certificate in which he assures that he is Frédéric's son and now they will live together.

The sovereign has experience in adoptions, since in his marriage with Gabor, they decided to adopt five people. However, upon receiving the titles, they abandoned him. He has faith that this will not be the same case.

The prince points out that for now he is doing what he must, to protect his inheritance, but when he passes away he will no longer care. He insists that Kevin is a different young man and that he has brains, but he still has to be careful.

Von Anhalt was born into a humble family in Wallhausen, Germany. He was adopted in 1979 by Princess Maria Augusta of Anhalt, when her only son William II died in 1975.
