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In Colombia they approve the industrial use of cannabis in food, beverages and textiles
Resolution 227 also contemplates the use of some non-psychoactive components in the preparation of food supplements

The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, reported this Sunday that from the presidency and in joint work with the ministries of Health, Justice and Agriculture, they issued resolution 227 of 2022, which establishes and defines the corresponding procedures with the industrial use of cannabis in the food, beverage and textile sectors.
"These uses have to do with non-psychoactive components," the president clarified.
Likewise, he indicated that with this measure Colombia is at the forefront of the regulation of the use of medicinal cannabis and its derivations from industrial uses.
Additionally, Duque explained that the resolution establishes that they will define quotas and rates, and said regulation must conclude within a month.
"With this resolution 227 of the year 2022, Colombia takes a very important step at the forefront of regulation in Latin America and the Caribbean ", highlighted the president, adding that the textile, food and beverage sectors -alcoholic and non-alcoholic- will be able to offer their products in the domestic and foreign market.
In addition, the head of state pointed out that they have made progress in credits for small and medium producers through the Agrarian Bank, where medicinal cannabis producers are also provided with all the issues of foreign exchange management, monetization and marketing from Colombia.
For his part, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Fernando Ruiz, highlighted the importance of health provisions and labeling regulations established by the National Institute for Food and Drug Surveillance (Invima).
Other provisions included in the resolution
Resolution 227 also contemplates the use of some non - psychoactive components in the preparation of food supplements.
Similarly, the regulations include grains and seeds for sowing in the use of industrial, food and horticultural purposes, in accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and its Protocol of Modifications of 1972, approved in Law 13 of 1974.
Resolution 227 reinforces decree 811 of 2021
In 2021, the Colombian government took the first step to define the export protocols for dried cannabis flowers, through decree 811.
A year ago, said decree raised the possibility of going beyond the inspection limits, established at 0.2% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) for products containing cannabis.