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In Ecuador, the first date is granted for a gay wedding in the country, the wedding will be in August
In Europe and countries such as Canada or US states, the laws on gay marriage, gender ideology and the entire LGBT issue have come a long way, on the other hand, in Latin America little effective legislation has been seen on the subject. It is possible that due to the prevailing culture in the region and the little social acceptance of such changes. However, Ecuador has just made history by formally granting an appointment for the country's first gay wedding.
Technically, there were two appointments for two marriages, but one of the two, the appointment granted to Pamela Troya and Gabriela Correa, has historical repercussions for the LGBTI movement in the country, since six years ago, on exactly the same date, they applied to legally marry and were prohibited from dating by the record. That was the starting point of the fight that today they see crowned with their close legal marriage.

August 5 will be a historic day for the movement
The marriage to take place on August 5 is expected to have an even greater impact in the country and in particular in the movement. Having a legal wedding will surely bring together not only friends of the couple, but also members of groups and organizations from all over the country and even from neighboring countries, who come to celebrate the date and the achievement.
As a curiosity, the second couple to make an appointment will get married in the month of July, so legally they will be the first gay marriage in Ecuador, only it is expected that the fact that Pamela and Gabriela are the first couple to request it in 2013 and have forward the fight, there is a great call to your marriage.
"We won, and we did not win as a kind of revenge. We won with the legitimacy of having stayed together and having fought from the beginning to the end for the right to contract a civil marriage," said Pamela Troya before the cameras.
Gay marriage advances in Latin America
Under pressure from LGBT groups and using terms such as "same-sex" marriage to avoid rejection by conservative or pro-family groups in society, legislation has been passed on the matter in countries such as Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, although not all of them the same rights.
A slightly more complex issue, which confronts radical forces for and against and which the national legislative bodies handle with kid gloves, is that referring to the adoption of children by gay marriage or union. For this issue, the church and many groups have closed ranks ready to fight on all fronts to avoid its approval.
In 2015, Ecuador took an important step on the issue of gay marriage by approving de facto unions for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex couples. The groups in neighboring countries look at Ecuador and accelerate the struggle in their respective countries, the same is done by the organizations against it, a couple of years are expected with a lot of movement on the issue of LGBTI rights in the region.