International Friendship Day
1 min read
Although in different countries the day of friendship or the day of the friend is celebrated, and it also happens on different dates, there is a day that is shared worldwide. Today is the International Day of Friendship, this date was considered by the UN, since it considers that only through friendship is it possible to strengthen trust and achieve stability.

However, this July 30 is not classic, since the UN only selected this date since 2011, but year after year it has managed to be considered by all countries as the day of friendship.
The first World Friendship Day was proposed by the World Friendship Crusade, a Paraguayan organization that sought to promote a culture of peace through friendship.

"Facing many challenges, crises and dividing forces, poverty, violence, human rights violations that threaten peace, security, development and social harmony among the peoples of the world and within themselves," said the UN.