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International positions on the Russian military attack in Ukraine

Given the entry of Russian troops into Ukrainian territory, various world leaders have expressed their discontent and rejection of Ukraine's sovereignty.

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International positions on the Russian military attack in Ukraine
Russian military intervention in Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg, secretary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), repudiated the announcement made by Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, in which he notified a large military operation in the Donbas region, after the request for help by the self-proclaimed republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.

For this, Stoltenberg called Russia's attack on Ukraine "reckless and unprovoked", since it puts many lives in danger.

Through a statement, he notified that, despite repeated warnings on several occasions and the efforts made to undertake diplomacy, Russia preferred to attack an independent and sovereign country.

The NATO Secretary added that this is a violation of International Law and a great threat to Euro-Atlantic security. Therefore, NATO allies will be meeting to handle a new aggression by the Ukrainian government.

He also assured that NATO supports Ukraine in this difficult moment and that the organization will do everything necessary to defend and protect its allies.

This announcement was made at the Emergency Security Council held in New York, by a speech by Vladimir Putin which was televised, where he assured that the military operation would begin in the Donbas region.

Therefore, NATO made a request to the Ukrainian military to lay down their arms and justified the movement of troops, insisting that it occurs in order to achieve demilitarization and denazification of Ukrainian territory.

Pronouncement of Germany

The German government declared on Thursday that Russia will have to pay an unprecedented price for its actions in Ukraine.

Antje Leenderste, German ambassador to the United Nations (UN), reported at an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council that, from a moral, political and economic point of view, Russia's aggression will have a unprecedented cost.

Elizabeth Truss, British Foreign Secretary, said that she strongly condemns the terrible and unprovoked attack carried out by President Putin against the Ukrainian people. She asserted that they support the Ukrainians and will be in charge of working with their international partners to offer answers to said aggression.

Spain condemns Russian aggression

Pedro Sánchez, President of Spain, also condemned the Russian aggression in Ukraine and reported that he maintains close contact with NATO partners and the European Union, to organize a proper response.

Likewise, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, described Russia's attack against Ukraine as unjustifiable and called it "a flagrant violation of International Law".

In addition, he reported that, like President Sánchez, he insists on condemning the aggression and asking for it to stop.

European Commission will sanction Russia's military aggression

Úrsula Von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, issued an official statement together with the representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, in which she reported that the European Union will carry out massive sanctions against Russia's military aggression against the Ukrainian territory.

She also assured that Vladimir Putin will have to pay for an "unprecedented" attack, since her goal is the stability of Europe.

She asserted that President Putin will not be allowed to succeed in destroying the entire peaceful architecture of the EU, which was built over many decades.

She pointed out that the determination and strength of European democracy should not be underestimated. She added that this is an unprecedented act of aggression against a fully sovereign state.

She insisted that Donbas is not the only goal, and it is not just Ukraine, it is the complete stability of the EU and peace, so they will make sure that Vladimir Putin pays for his decision.

She concluded her statements by reiterating that the European Union supports Ukraine and its people. "Ukraine will prevail," she concluded.

President of France praises President of Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron, President of France declared in a televised address that his answers will be without weakness and without cold blood, at the height of the aggression carried out against the people of Ukraine.

Likewise, this Russian invasion will mark a before and after in European history and will generate lasting and profound consequences for the rest of our lives.

The head of state praised the determination and courage of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, for which he offered help to the Ukrainian people. "Your freedom is ours," he added.

UK assures that the Ukrainian people will not surrender

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, also made his statement in the face of the Russian military attack.

In a speech, he said that the UK and the world must not and will not allow Ukraine's freedom to be taken away, as they will not look the other way.

He also informed the Ukrainian people that, in this moment of agony, the United Kingdom is with them and that their mission, economic, political and military, is to make this attack a failure.

He added that he believes that the people of Ukraine will not give up because they have passionate beliefs that their country should be free and that will not be changed by a Russian dictator.

Johnson asserted that this is not just an attack on Ukraine, it is an attack on freedom and democracy in Eastern Europe and around the world.
