Jorge Luis Borges 33 Anniversary of his Death

3 min de lectura

Jorge Luis Borges 33 Anniversary of his Death. We make a reminder of the life of this talented writer. On this June 14, 19 the anniversary of the death of Jorge Luis Borges. Borges was an Argentine writer, currently considered one of the best and most influential of the twentieth century.

Jorge Luis Borges 33 Anniversary of his Death – News – WebMediums
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Jorge Luis Borges died at age 86 in Geneva, Switzerland. In different parts of the world they pay homage to a man who influenced ultraism, stories and philosophy. But he had a political influence when he was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

However, he should not have waited for his death to be honored. From 1961 he began to receive awards for his works, although his first famous delivery was in 1929 with his third book entitled “Cuaderno San Martin”. In 1956, he was already a recognized international lecturer and for 1963 he was appointed as Doctor Honoris Causa, by the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, where he gave important contributions.

Since then his career was concentrated on the United States until 1979, when he traveled to Europe to eradicate himself, although he never stopped visiting North America. During these years, Jorge Luis Borges was also present in Mexico where I even won the Alfonso Reyes international prize.

Among other deliveries are poetry, stories, essays and even their prologues and lectures. However, the writer also left a travel book, several miscellanies and wrote his own memoirs.

One of the inspirations of Jorge Luis Borges were his women. His mother, whom I consider the most important in his life, was inspiration for several of his works. However, he wrote to each woman with whom he had small verses and poems that were never published because he considered them intimate.

Among his disciples are several Mexican, Colombian and Argentinean artists. In Spain there are schools that talk about their works and seek inspiration in their writings.

Next, a fragment of his poem The Remorse

Remorse — poem by Jorge Luis Borges

I have committed the worst of sins that a man can commit. I have not been happy. That the glaciers of oblivion drag me and lose me, ruthless. My parents fathered me for the game risky and beautiful of life, for the earth, the water, the air, the fire. I defrauded them. I was not happy Fulfilled was not his young will. My mind was applied to the symmetrical porphyries of art, which interweaves nudity. They bequeathed me courage. I was not brave. He does not abandon me. He is always by my side The shadow of having been miserable.
Este artículo está también disponible en español
Jorge Luis Borges 33 Aniversario de su Muerte
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