President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

New vaccination mandates

4 min de lectura

The current situation of the COVID-19 in the United States still being terrible, daily 1500 people are dying and approximately an average of 150,000 positive cases throughout the country, more than 100,000 hospitalized Americans and the amount of death will continue to increase over the current total.

President Joe Biden by announcing a new strategy against COVID-19, expressed almost with rage made people who are not yet vaccinated in their country.

Plan of Biden:

Biden has a six-point strategy to be able to face virus.

President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

1. Vaccinate the not vaccinated people with mandates for public and private employees

The US president ordered the Department from job from demand to all employers with more than 100 workers should require the vaccine or have regular teas testing. Possibly it is an effect that will reach the court federal. The White House it will strengthen all vaccination requirements for most of all federal workers, but at the same time it will eliminate the option that every worker is subjected to periodic tests instead of being vaccinated. Biden will sign a decree that will be required by the same standard of federal contractors.

It is a step that is expected to stimulate many similar actions in the private sector, Biden signed an order where it was required that all nursing homes have received funds from Medicare and Medicad vaccinate to everybody their workers.

2. Further protect those vaccinated with booster vaccines

There has been some confusion about this as the country recommends reinforcements for all Americans at greater risk. Some receivers with the Pfizer vaccine may be ready for reinforcements with what they would still have to set points about who should receive it. It is suggested that people should not receive from a reinforcement until at least past 8 months after having put on the second dose by the vaccine. The emphasis is on all the major status and every first-line worker who were vaccinated from first.

President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

3. Maintain open the schools

Schools are the downtown point for any measure of safety and hygiene especially requirement as a use of mask, washing of the hands and many more to be applied. President Biden has promised that the salary of any teacher or administrator will be rewarded, since the payment is retained by any state that is opposed to the requirements for the use of masks.

He also affirmed that he demands that 300,000 educators are vaccinated in Hese Start federal programs and will ask the governors to be demanded vaccines for all teachers and school staff.

The infections and the hospitalization among the children is increased and is worrying experts, but at the same time it is still the group with less risk of contagion and deaths.

President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

4. Increased tests

The law defense production will be used to accelerate the production of rapid tests and the Administration plans to send 25 millions free testing to all United States health clinics. Some retailers such as Amazon, Walmart and many more will sell flying tests. Periodic tests Affordable must be done correctly because they can not only diagnose people who are sick but can also stop the spread of the pandemic by informing people if they are contagious, scientists have pressed by this type of evidence, since They are affordable and ideally to do at home.

President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

5. Economic recovery

The moratorium from evidence y safe from unemployment extended they have been expired. The set of government tools to give help all affected by Pandemic it is already moving away from direct help. It is provided by Disasters, Damage economic with the goal of small business ask loans to the bank until 2 millions in comparison with the 500,000 current in long-term loans at a low interest if your sale were affected by the Virus Covid 19.

President Joe Biden announces a six-step plan analysis for the COVID-19

6. Improvement of attention with people with Covid 19

The government of State United will increase the availability of any medication for Positive COVID patients recommended by doctors to provide help to patients. Also, the Department of Defense will double the number of health equipment, soldiers available to provide help from surcharged hospitals throughout the country.

Some of the most important events is to convince all people to be vaccinated, the vast majority of people who are hospitalized and died is because they were not vaccinated, so this means that those who are not vaccinated are exhausting the system from Attention Medical.
