Russia proposes that the Dollar stop being the World currency

2 min read

Vladimir Putin strives to fight the United States from different angles. For many, Russia did not intervene in the presidential elections, favoring Trump for the simple fact that both economies are opposed and seek to satisfy different partners.

Russia proposes that the Dollar stop being the World currency
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From Moscow, Putin said that a currency like the dollar should no longer be the symbol of world reserve. That is, it is a coin that is printed without limitations, favoring the US mostly to use it. In addition, with the new government reports on its vast oil reserves, Russia says the dollar will become a national security risk.

Recently, Putin expressed his support for Iran in an incident with the warships that were burned in the Gulf of Oman. Russia said there was no evidence to blame the Iranians for causing the fires or launching the missile that impacts one of the ships.

In addition, this missile was launched in the opposite direction to where Iran's militias are, making it unlikely that they would send an attack. Also, from that country they said that they use the road for their own purposes and they do not want to create international chaos and put the security of the area at risk.

Putin, on several occasions, has proposed that the Dollar cease to be the World currency and has taken small steps such as forcing its direct partners to do business in a currency other than the dollar and has even accepted gold as part of payment.

However, in the coming weeks new details will be known of what Russia is looking for in the United States. Apparently, trying to intimidate them will keep Trump in power, since the average American feels protected with a president who has promised to turn his country into a world power, worthy of respect and admiration. Something that has elevated local patriotism and is influenced by the votes of the elections.
