Singer "El Pepo" was arrested after deadly accident

2 min de lectura

The cumbia singer Rubén Darío Castiñeiras known as “el Pepo” was temporarily detained in Dolores, Argentina, until the deadly accident he starred in at dawn yesterday is cleared up.

The musician and a chorus girl from his band were injured, while a trumpeter and the manager died when the truck in which they were traveling on provincial route 63 overturned, when they were on their way to give shows in towns on the Atlantic coast, reported road sources and police to Télam.

After noon, the prosecutor for Dolores Verónica Raggio ordered the provisional detention of the 44-year-old musician " El Pepo ", who is in police custody, for the crime of "double aggravated culpable homicide and serious culpable injuries" until the charges are analyzed. actions or can take a statement.

Singer "El Pepo" was arrested after deadly accident – News – WebMediums

The accident occurred at 2.15 am, on the aforementioned route that joins highway 2, in the city of Dolores, with provincial route 11, in the Esquina de Crotto area, when the popular musician, who was driving the vehicle, wanted to avoid something that He was crossed and the white Honda CRV truck drifted off the shoulder and overturned, according to the sources interviewed.

As a result of the accident, the singer suffered multiple trauma and had to be transferred to the San Roque de Dolores Hospital, where he is admitted out of danger.

Singer "El Pepo" was arrested after deadly accident – News – WebMediums

Nicolás Carabajal, the trumpeter, and 28-year-old manager Ignacio Abosaleh were the fatal victims. The two were with the singer and the showgirl, Romina Candias, aboard the truck that ended up overturning.

Hours before the fateful event, the two young people had shared on the networks the last photo in which they are seen together. There they are seen smiling and happy to be complying with their work routine.

In a video that the singer posted on his Instagram account, " el Pepo " can be seen driving while sending greetings to his fan

However, in statements issued by " El Pepo " minutes after the accident, he stated that someone else was driving. Situation that will be elucidated through the investigations that are being carried out.
