So far this year, the United States has deported more than 11,000 people to Mexico

2 min de lectura

On January 29, the Government of the United States applied section 235 of its Immigration and Nationality Law, which was in effect until June 12. In consecuense, 11 thousand 922 migrants have been deported.

The majority of these deportees come from Central America and there is a large part awaiting the response of federal judges to their asylum applications.

So far this year, the United States has deported more than 11,000 people to Mexico
Mexican migrants. (Getty Images)

The figures contributed by the National Institute of Migration, between June 9 and 12, indicate that an approximate of 885 people were returned to the Mexican border. If we average these deportations, they would have returned to 200 people every four days.

These figures rose significantly after an agreement led by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard in Washington, in this agreement a plan of immigration containment is established, as well as the permit to house migrants who request asylum.

The statistics speak for themselves, if we continue at this rate of deportations, we could be talking about more than 6 thousand migrants returned to the Mexican border per month.

Where do these migrants deported to Mexico come from?

In this process of deportation carried out by the United States, migrants from different Central American countries are found mostly. We are talking specifically about El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

These migrants have entered in quantity through the border port of Chaparral in Tijuana, Baja California; In numbers have passed through that port, until June 12, about 4 thousand 435 people.

For the Garita Mexicali also located in Baja California, 2 thousand 889 people were returned and finally, in the Reforma point of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, a total of 4 thousand 798 people passed.

So far this year, the United States has deported more than 11,000 people to Mexico
Road to the Garita El Chaparral in Tijuana.

The 11,922 people, according to the Mexican National Institute of Migration, from Central America receive lodging, medical attention and food.

He also reports that over the course of this month of June, more than 8,500 people have been deported who have arrived in Mexican territory from Central American countries.

Meanwhile, thousands of migrants are still on their way to the Mexican border with the United States, most of them board train cars called "The Beast."

It is expected that today another group departs from Ixtepec, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.
