The Atlantic Bridge, the third bridge over the Panama Canal, inaugurated

1 min de lectura

Panama celebrated this August 2 the inauguration of the third bridge over the canal, a work that not only makes them grow as a country in infrastructure and modernity, but also comes to address a serious problem for about 40,000 inhabitants of the coast down Colón and its surroundings.

The Atlantic Bridge, the third bridge over the Panama Canal, inaugurated

It is known that the Panama Canal, while representing one of the most used river passages in the world, has necessarily divided Panama, leaving thousands of families dependent on the floodgates being opened to be able to cross to the other side.

President Laurentino Cortizo and his family among the beneficiaries

The inauguration was attended by the president of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, ministers, personalities of the country and in the vicinity, the people excited by the important work. It was President Cortizo himself who said that together with his family, he had to see people get sick and die waiting for the floodgates to open to be able to cross for medical attention.

The authorities reported that on the bridge, the longest in Panama and already open to vehicular traffic, the workforce was 75% local.

The Atlantic Bridge, the third bridge over the Panama Canal, inaugurated
