They capture the leaders of Los Rastrojos who were photographed with Guaidó
It was a week of irregularities for Guaidó. The self-proclaimed president of Venezuela took some photographs with people, who according to him, did not know that they were high-ranking leaders of Los Rastrojos, a paramilitary group in Colombia and that they were recently captured.

How did Guaidó enter Colombia?
The Foreign Ministry in the last hours assured that Guaidó entered Colombian territory and then went to Migración Colombia to regularize his entry into the country. In this way, I assure that they were not in charge of entering Juan Guaidó into the country at that time. All the controversy as a result of the leaking of two photographs of Guaidó with guerrilla leaders.
The Colombian Foreign Ministry also assures that the passage through the trails or bridle paths are not controlled by them, but that once Guaidó entered the country he went to immigration offices to legalize his stay in Colombian territory.
Regarding the security assigned to him, the Foreign Ministry recalled that President Duque considers Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela and thus assigns a security scheme to protect his integrity, just as he would with any other president.
Recently, the Colombian national police confirmed that John Jairo Durán Andrade, alias Minor, was captured on June 18 in Puerto Santander. On the other hand, Albeiro Lobo Quintero, alias Brother, surrendered to the Army.
What is the controversy of Juan Guaidó?
Wilfredo Cañizares is the director of the Progresar Foundation in Norte de Santander and was in charge of publishing the photographs accusing Guaidó of having entered the country with the help of Los Rastrojos. This group has hit the north department of Santander, with extortion, kidnapping and assassinations.
Because Juan Guaidó cannot leave the country by legal means, the man had to use this route to be able to leave Venezuela and on the way he photographed himself with these people.
However, Juan Guaidó denied that Los Rastrojos helped him move from Venezuela to Colombia and said that many people ask him to take photos with them, and it is impossible for him to know the judicial past of each one of them. In addition, he assures that at that time there was no reason to think that they were strong leaders of a guerrilla group.