They withdraw the position of the holder of the CONEVAL
In Mexico, just two weeks ago, Carlos Urzua, former secretary of the Treasury and public credit, left his post through a letter that could be read on Twitter, which caused controversy. In said letter, Urzua explained the reasons and his disagreement in the decisions on economic policy with the President of the United Mexican States Andrés ndres Manuel López Obrador.
Now it has been announced that Gonzalo Hernández Licona will step down as executive secretary of the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) and who will assume the position in his place will be José Nabor Cruz.
Licona spoke a week ago about the austerity that the Mexican government is carrying out, for which it is presumed that this could be the cause of his dismissal. These were some words that Gonzalo Licona said.
“Austerity is important for a public service that had been exceeded for several years. Oil surpluses financed current spending in recent decades; a part was to swell the bureaucracy. It had to be corrected. But you have to do it carefully”,
"During this government there have been problems in the areas of health, safety, culture, sports, among others, due to cuts that have not had a solid foundation and controls that have become a brake on spending."
It seems that this administration will have to be careful not to be dismissed.