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Venezuelan boy was beaten on a school bus in the United States

Yusleny Morales
2 min de lectura

Last Tuesday, the case of the Venezuelan boy Mervien Márquez, who was strongly assaulted by a schoolmate while riding the school bus of the Freedom Middle School in Orlando, Florida, went viral.

Venezuelan boy was beaten on a school bus in the United States
The United States is one of the countries with the highest number of bullying.

Giorgina Escorcia, mother of the 12-year-old boy, narrated that her son had suffered bullying for several months by his victimizer, for which he indicated that he will not take the minor to the institution until the authorities of the educational center "show their faces" and take action on the matter.

“This has affected him a lot, my son is afraid to go to school and I am afraid to send him. I don't know if the aggressor is going to continue there, the school has not given me the right answer about what happened or what is going to happen,” said the native of Zulia state, Venezuela.

It should be noted that the video went viral after one of Márquez's schoolmates recorded it, while laughter and mockery of what was happening was heard.

The United States is one of the countries with the highest number of bullying, especially towards immigrant children, which has caused concern to the parents of minors and they ask the authorities, as well as the teaching staff; monitor the situation closely to prevent more students from being victims of bullying.

Among the consequences of bullying, there is the fear of minors to go to their schools and in the worst case, many children have taken their own lives for not knowing how to deal with the situation.

Sometimes parents are not aware that their children are harassed by classmates or schoolmates.
