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Young man murdered his parents and brother in Spain for taking away the Wifi
The boy took their lives with his father's hunting shotgun, first he shot his mother, then his brother and when his father arrived, he also attacked him.

A 15-year-old adolescent was arrested in the Ilicitana de la Algoda district, in Spain, for having confessed that he murdered his parents and 10-year-old brother with shotgun fire and hid their bodies for four days in his house before the authorities they would find out
According to information provided to the EFE news agency, the triple crime occurred on Tuesday, but it was not until this Friday that the lifeless bodies in an advanced state of decomposition were found.
Presumably, the crime occurred after the parents had a big argument with the minor, due to his low grades and bad behavior at home. But what triggered the parricide's wrath was his parents' decision to take away his Wi-Fi service.
The officials handling the case reported that after the argument the young man took a shotgun from his father and killed his mother, then shot the 10-year-old brother, and hoped that his father would come home to shoot him too.
When he finished, he took the bodies to a covered place in his house and left them there as if nothing had happened.
The same sources commented that the day the young man was captured, a neighbor saw him on the street, asked him about his parents, to which he replied: "I killed them." This alerted the woman, who quickly called her relatives and the security forces.
The agents who have taken the respective statements, passed the case to the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office. But they are struck by the young man's coldness, serenity and absence of remorse, which are typical of a mentally ill person.
The detainee will offer the respective statements, after being assigned a defense attorney or through the representation of the public prosecutor, to enter a reform center for minors.
Likewise, it was learned that the bodies of the parents and their brother were taken to the Institute of Legal Medicine of Alicante, where they will perform an autopsy.
In addition, one of the arrested boy's friends was contacted, and he described him as a "shy" person, but "very talkative", very active in social networks and fans of video games.
This young man assured in an interview that “Santy had not been to school for a few days” and when his classmates asked him why, he told them that he was at home because he had contracted covid.
His friend said that the person responsible for the crime was a good student and always got good grades. His classmates, noticing that he had lowered his grades for some time, asked him the reasons and he simply said "because I'm lazy."
He also added that regarding his friend's family relationship, he only knew that he regularly had fights with his younger brother, but nothing out of the ordinary.
The mayor of the city of Algoda, Toñi Coves, informed EFE that this family had been living in the district for approximately 18 years, a rural area with houses that are far apart from one another.
The father, named Jaime, was 51 years old and worked in a traffic light maintenance company and also in his home garden, growing orange and pomegranate trees. In addition, he was fond of hunting.
Neighbors in the area claimed not to have heard strange noises or shots the day the events occurred. Although a neighbor remembered that that day she passed by the chalet of the house and it seemed strange to her that the mother's car was parked inside, with loud music, but she did not give it much importance.
Another neighbor, who has a property next to those who died today, reported that on Friday night he heard some police patrols, but thought they were there for a robbery or something similar, “I never imagined that it was such a case. awful," he said.
Said neighbor, upon learning of the crime, recalled that last Tuesday, he certainly heard a noise, but he thought it was thunder. He never imagined that it could be shots and less that it was a case like this.
The same Friday, the municipal corporation of Elche, has observed three minutes of silence to express its condolences for this tragic event.
The city council, for its part, decreed three days of official mourning. For her part, the deputy delegate of the Government of Alicante, Araceli Poblador, reported that the case is "under summary secrecy" and asked for respect for the family and for the investigators in the case to be allowed to work.