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The best way to make caramel sauce cupcakes
Caramel Sauce cupcakes are a type of sweet dessert that combines sponge cake and enigmatic flavor. That is why they are usually perfect to accompany a cup of bitter coffee, or as a mid-afternoon snack.
Although it is such a delicious dessert, it is very easy to make. That is why below we will explain how to do it easily and quickly, also including some tips so that your cupcakes are perfect.
Caramel sauce cupcakes ingredients
350 grams of caramel sauce.
180 grams of pastry flour.
210 grams of sugar.
7.5 grams of baking powder.
50 ml of water.
One gram of salt.
275 grams of butter.
One tablespoon of vanilla extract.
Two eggs
15 ml of lemon.
105 ml of milk.
Dulce de leche syrup (optional)
Steps for making 12 caramel sauce cupcakes
Note: Due to the length of this recipe, we will divide this into several parts.
To make the buttermilk, add the 15 ml of lemon juice to a cup of milk and mix well and reserve
Mixing the liquid ingredients for the dough
To the bowl where we will beat we will add the 75 grams of butter or lard. It needs to be creamy in consistency and not melted or frozen.
Next, add 160 grams of sugar. Turn on the mixer and begin to beat so that they integrate well.
First add an egg, let it integrate well into the dough while you beat and then add the next egg and let the machine continue beating.
Pour in a tablespoon of vanilla extract to flavor and let it continue to blend.
When you notice that the mixture is perfectly homogeneous, stop the mixer.
Mixing the dry ingredients for the dough
Sift the 180 grams of flour into a bowl, followed by the baking powder and one gram of salt.
Mix with a trowel to integrate all the elements of the bowl well.
Add the buttermilk from the beginning. Keep in mind that it should look like the milk has been cut.
Mix with the help of a paddle before taking it to the mixer.
Pour the dry ingredient mixture with the buttermilk into the liquid ingredient mixture and place in the mixer.
Beat until everything is perfectly integrated and a perfectly homogeneous creamy mixture is left.
Baking the cupcakes
In a cupcake pan, place a shell in each of the molds.
Spoon a tablespoon and a half of the mixture into each of the pan-lined molds.
Preheat the oven to 180º C with heat up and down.
Take the cupcakes to the oven and let them cook for 17 minutes.
When you notice that the cupcakes have a golden appearance on the surface, it will be time to remove them.
When you can remove the cupcakes from the mold without burning yourself, remove them and place them on a wire rack to cool.
Preparation of caramel sauce syrup
Pour 50 grams of sugar and 50 ml of water into a pan over medium heat. Let them cook, stirring with a paddle, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
The moment you notice that the water is a little thicker, we will add the 50 grams of dulce de leche and continue beating with the paddle so that it is integrated.
Pour the homogeneous mixture into a container or bowl and wait for it to cool down a bit.
Preparation of the frosty or decoration cream
Pour the rest of the butter into the bowl where you will beat, and begin to beat on medium high power until you notice that it begins to whiten.
When you notice that the butter is completely white, add the rest of the dulce de leche.
Continue beating so that both ingredients are well integrated. You will know that the mixture is ready when you notice that it has a homogeneous color.
Place the frosty in a star-shaped piping bag and reserve for decoration.
Assemble the cupcakes
With an apple corer, scoop out the center of the cupcake and fill with half a tablespoon of dulce de leche.
With the same mass that you had removed, close the hole again in its place.
With the help of the pastry bag, decorate making circular movements from the center outwards.
Finally, take a tablespoon of dulce de leche syrup and pour light threads over the frosty.
Repeat the same process with all the cupcakes.
Recommendations and tips for perfect cupcakes
One way to know that the cupcakes are perfectly cooked is to prick them with a toothpick and if it comes out dry and clean, it means that they are ready.
It is very important that the butter you use is creamy. It should not be frozen or melted, as this is what will help give the mixture a creamy consistency.
Put a clamp on the peak of the pastry bag to prevent the mixture from spilling out and place the bag in a glass with the edges on the outside to make it easier for you to fill it. To reserve it, also place a clamp on the edge.
You can decorate each cupcake at the end with pieces of pistachio, peanuts or other nuts, as these complement their flavor very well with the dulce de leche.
Another good decoration option is the use of cookie pieces or chocolate chips.
Caramel sauce cupcakes can be a good sweet snack to share at a gathering with friends, a party or celebration. They are especially loved by children who enjoy their sweet and creamy taste on the palate.
That is why we urge you to try this recipe at home and surprise your children with this delicious afternoon snack. Also, it is a good idea to share this recipe on your social networks so that your friends who love pastry can try it.