Does Sam Smith identify as male or female?

2 min de lectura

Sam Smith is a singer and songwriter who was born in London 27 years ago, lived in England and became famous just 7 years ago. He is undoubtedly one of the artists with the most fans today and with an impressive musical success.

However, this morning through his Twitter, he surprised his audience by asking them to please address him without assigning him any gender, that is, as non-binary, since he assures that he does not identify or feel comfortable as a man or a woman.

Does Sam Smith identify as male or female? – Showbiz – WebMediums

Sam Smith asks to be identified as non-binary

The singer Sam Smith through Twitter expressed the emotion he feels at finally knowing what he wants about his sexuality, he says that he has had great support and explains that it is a bit difficult to speak eloquently about it but asks to be addressed to him With the pronouns they and them, he explains that this is how he identifies himself as non-binary. At the same time, he also mentions the names of some activists from that community (non-binary) who have helped him to define more clearly what that is and feel better about him.

Does Sam Smith identify as male or female? – Showbiz – WebMediums

On the other hand, he mentions that he is open to trying to answer the questions that arise on this topic.

But... what is being non-binary? It is actually very simple, it is used when a person does not identify with the female gender but neither with the male. The terms queer or genderqueer are also used for the same purpose. In other words, being non-binary, queer or genderqueer would be defined as a third gender as it refers to the discomfort of being called a man or a woman.

Sam Smith is happy with this important change and in social networks it seems that his followers have accepted it in the best way.

Does Sam Smith identify as male or female? – Showbiz – WebMediums
