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Drake is accused of using hot sauce in condoms

Nataly De Trujillo
2 min read
Drake is accused of using hot sauce in condoms – Showbiz – WebMediums
Drake is accused of using hot sauce in condoms.

A model who remains anonymous has made accusations against singer Drake for using hot sauce on condoms after sex.

Currently, a scandal is circulating on social networks due to what happened with the Canadian singer Drake, who after having sex with a model, did something unusual in a person.

What happened?

It is known that the Canadian met this model through the Instagram social network, and after exchanging messages for a while, they agreed to meet and meet at the hotel where the model was staying.

As the hours passed, between caresses, looks and kisses they agreed to have sex, so they went to the act.

According to information from different portals, the Canadian singer at the end of intercourse went to the bathroom to proceed to clean himself, at the end he entered his companion, who after a few minutes came out screaming desperately.

It turns out that the model had taken the condom that the singer had thrown in the trash, and inserted it into her vagina, in order for the sperm to enter it.

The reason for the hot sauce

Seeing the woman's reaction, Drake was not surprised and only asked the reason for her screams, to which she confessed what she had done.

Drake is accused of using hot sauce in condoms – Showbiz – WebMediums
Drake is accused of using hot sauce in condoms.

He then explained to her that at the end of their sexual acts, he applied hot sauce inside her condoms before throwing them away, in order to kill all the sperm, and avoid a positive result for what she was trying to do.

Possible lawsuit

The model accused him of suing him for "mistreatment of women", however the singer has not expressed any concern, because what he does is a simple routine within his acts.

Until now, the model involved continues anonymously, and the singer before the accusations only alleges that he does everything for his safety and intimate decision of when to procreate or not.
