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Girls ask McDonald's not to give out plastic toys

She and Caitlin are two girls from the United Kingdom, ages 7 and 9, who launch a signature marathon to ask McDonald's and Burger King not to continue giving plastic toys in surprise boxes that these entities offer. In the collection of signatures they have achieved more than 340,000, and their goal is to reach 500,000 signatures.
This was an initiative to raise awareness about the damage that plastic causes to the environment. Well, the girls are aware of the poor handling that is given to highly polluting material, and they want to somehow make people aware that every day they inevitably acquire plastic in any material for their personal use.

It should be emphasized that it is admirable that these two little girls are so clear about the impacts that plastic produces on the environment and that in one way or another they seek to contribute their grain of sand in favor of nature.
It is very important that as children, future youth take action on a matter that concerns us all.