Jennifer López and Maluma sang together in New York

2 min de lectura

Those attending Maluma's concert at Madison Square Garden in New York received an interesting and above all beautiful surprise gift, when Jennifer López appeared in the middle of the concert as a guest to sing a song with the youth idol, the attendees could not believe it and When they sang, it seemed like the whole place was collapsing from the applause and screams of their fans.

Jennifer López and Maluma sang together in New York – Showbiz – WebMediums

They sang the song "Don't love me"

Surprising was the song they chose to sing as a duet, and it is one of the best known and most emblematic songs that the diva has sung, it is "Do not love me", a song that was marked in the hearts of the followers of Jennifer López for having sung it with her ex-husband Marc Anthony.

Both shone before their audience, and shining was literal, Jennifer López came out to Madison Square Garden with an incredible golden dress that made her sensual movements be perceived from a distance and Maluma wore tight shiny silk clothes.

For Maluma it was an epic night

This was what the singer made known on his Instagram profile, where he shared a short about the presentation, which immediately began to receive a shower of likes from his followers.

A chemistry that we will see in the movie Marry Me

The rapport between Jennifer López and Maluma has already begun to generate comments about possible romance, but for now there is no such thing confirmed, the only certainty is that the chemistry that both have when working is not only demonstrated by singing, right now they are both part of the cast Marry Me, a comedy where they form the main couple of the plot and where they have made an excellent connection to shoot the film.

Jennifer López, for her part, also uploaded a short video to Instagram where millions of her followers immediately liked and filled it with positive comments, in the video the brightness of her clothing and the excellent integration in the scene of Jlo and Maluma.
