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Miguel Bosé reveals all the details about the series of his life

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Miguel Bosé reveals all the details about the series of his life
Miguel Bosé

Miguel Bosé is in Guadalajara after the new publication of his autobiography El Hijo del Captain Thunder (Planeta, 2021), the result of his presentation as an author in the most important main artistic presentation of the Spanish language.

Along with the host Gloria Calzada, Bosé shared the great creative process, anecdotes from his private life with his parents and closest celebrities, such as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí.

He astonished fans with the statement that he will begin creating a bioseries in January.

The participants received the news with emotion. Miguel Bosé expressed that the story of several chapters will include three animators who will interpret him in various phases of his life. As a child, as a youth and as an adult.

Careful with subtleties and without naming names, he guaranteed that one of them is a famous and exceptionally attractive entertainer. The second he described as an amazing entertainer and who also sings like him.

Expressions were heard, for example, "More attractive than you, no!", and "sing like your incomprehensible" from the crowd gathered at FIL.

The artist's followers gathered early in the vicinity of Expo Guadalajara, where FIL takes place, to pay attention to Bosé's show.

The singer reflected assuming that at some point he had had this signal with a famous person, after thinking about it for some time, he said that he had endured hours to see Jim Morrison with The Doors. 'I understand them.

As for the novelties as an author, Miguel hopes there will be more. The writing and I have guaranteed each other, admitted Calzada, his partner and conversationalist in this show.

The interpreter of Amante bandido y Bambú announced that he plans to distribute a book of secret cookbooks of his grandmother that, he affirmed, could make a chicken broth with only three steps.

Additionally, he commented that he plans new surprises in the field of composition that he hopes will be prepared for next year and that he will return to Guadalajara to present them again at FIL.

After the show, the artist offered a signature so that users could carry out their procedures.

Captain Thunder's son tells the story of the artist's life and his relationship, sometimes friendly, sometimes disconcerting, with his parents, Lucía Bosé and Luis Miguel Dominguín, according to Quien.

The complicity of his grandmother and his initial contact with art. The volume was published by the Espasa label of Grupo Planeta.
