Miley Cyrus already surpassed Liam Hemsworth and Kaitlynn Carter with Cody Simpson?
They say that the heart is not commanded but when you really love a person you try not to make them suffer with your actions. Contrary to this Miley Cyrus due to her eccentric personality tends to victimize herself causing compassion in others to justify her actions.
Although everyone has the right to feel love and go out with whomever they want, it is not as well seen to leave wounded hearts like that of Liam Hemsworth, who according to sources close to his family after the break with Miley Cyrus was very bad.

Miley Cyrus has a new relationship?
A few days ago, Miley Cyrus shared a photo on Instagram where she allegedly looked very thin and emaciated, which worried her fans. Among the rumors that there were, it was that she felt bad about her breakup with Kaitlynn Carter and Liam Hemsworth and that would lead her to look like this. However, a photograph that came to light recently would indicate that he does not miss any of them.

According to TMZ, actress and singer Miley Cyrus was caught in a mall having a passionate and intense kiss with Cody Simpson. This fact would show that her suffering for her two ex-partners is not so great. Although Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson have not given statements to affirm or deny rumors, the kiss seen in the video could provide an answer.
It should be remembered that Miley Cyrus just broke up with Liam Hemsworth just a couple of months ago to immediately enter into a relationship with Kaitlynn Carter with whom she would end a couple of weeks ago. Liam Hemsworth for his part, as a gentleman, did not give more statements about his breakup and I wish him the best, so far this handsome has preferred to stay away from everything. On the other hand, Kaitlynn Carter has not made any statements.