Nicki Minaj's Top 5 Most Controversial Moments: The Female Dennis Rodman

4 min de lectura

The super sexy singer Nicki Minaj just surprised us a few days ago with the news that she is retiring from the world of music. Either because Cupid really struck her (there is marriage) or because she has other plans, the truth is that the singer leaves behind a long series of controversies, each one more scandalous than the previous one.

The female Dennis Rodman

This is how we can classify this daring but fun singer who, like the famous Chicago Bulls player in the days of the great Michael Jordan, never stopped talking. Although if Rodman reads this article he will say that he is the male and female Dennis Rodman at the same time (he dressed several times as a woman), in any case, let's look at the top 5 most controversial moments of Nicki Minaj, the female Dennis Rodman.

# 5 Incident on Instagram with a user who criticized her body

If something Nicki Minaj has never tolerated is that they criticize her body, which is a source of pride and she knew how to bring it out on stage and in every show scene. It happened when uploading a short video to Instagram in which Nicki Minaj plays the role of the puppet, with their respective threads. One user stepped out of the majority's favorite comments and accused her of paying for her fake body. Minaj's response was devastating, envious and ugly. They are the softest names he dedicated to her, the rest of us cannot show them because of how strong they are !!!

# 4 Nicki Minaj fights in networks with Taylor Swift

It happened at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, when Taylor Swift was nominated for the video of the year and Nicki Minaj wrote to her through the networks that her nominations were only for her figure, and using thin girls in her videos, at the Taylor Swift then responded and the give and take occupied the front pages of the show for several days, although in the end they managed to fix things.

# 3 Nicki Minaj supporting Nazism?

The cause of the accusations of supporting Nazism against Nicki Minaj have their origin in the video "Only". All the graphic part of the video, the actions, reflected the style of the Nazis, he even used symbols very similar to the swastika, he used the formations of mass acts of the Nazis and without a doubt, anyone who has reviewed the story a minimum would link his video to Hitler's actions. In this case, due to the gravity of the case, Nicki Minaj apologized for her video and what it appeared, saying that she never wanted to emulate or support the Nazi ideology.

# 2 The video that millions asked to remove for scandalous

Well, it is the title that some give it because at the time millions of people, even their followers agreed that the video was exaggerated. But in the end the video was not banned, even though the voices of millions joined in, the video remains on his Instagram profile where he has accumulated so far no less than more than 14,000,000 views.

# 01 Nicki Minaj dressed as a nun, next to a fake Pope at the 2012 Grammys

The night of the 2012 Grammy Awards were one of the key moments for this singer, considered the queen of Rap, to be located as controversial, on that occasion she arrived dressed as a religious accompanied by a subject similar to that of the Popes and dressed as if he really were the maximum leader of the Catholic Church and head of the Vatican.

This case brought him many negative comments from conservative organizations and Catholic Christians around the world, who felt that this time he had exceeded, touching a person who leads and represents the faith of hundreds of millions in the world.

Just 4 days ago this explosive singer announced her retirement from music but if you still did not know about these controversies, you should know that it is a top 5 of dozens of cases in which Nicki Minaj surprised us with her explosive personality, her competitiveness and her open sensuality.


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