SM announces Super M: EXO, NCT, SHINEE and WAY V join forces

2 min de lectura

SM Entertainment has announced a new K-pop group made up of some members of their existing boy groups. In this way, members of EXO, NCT, SHINEE and WAY V would be joining to bring Super M, a group dedicated exclusively to the United States and that seeks to consolidate its success worldwide.

SM announces Super M: EXO, NCT, SHINEE and WAY V join forces

This decision was made by Capitol Records after asking that company for a group that could debut immediately and internationally. This information was shared by one of the members in charge of SM, Lee Soo-Man, who also works as a music producer and has managed to release songs that have been very successful all over the world.

In this way, the next group would be made up of the following members of SM Entertainment: SHINee's Taemin, NCT's Taeyong and Mark, EXO's Baekhyun and Kai, and WayV's Ten and Lucas. All these would be the flagship members of those groups from which they come, for which a guaranteed success is expected for Super M.

This news shocked the fans of all these musical groups, filling social networks with mixed comments. In this way, some people criticized this decision of SM Entertainment by not giving prominence to the other members of these boy bands and by focusing on some members in particular. On the other hand, some netizens expressed their excitement and desire to see the debut of Super M, who would bring together quite famous and talented characters in the K-pop industry.

At the moment, it is only known that Super M, who were called "The Avengers of the K-pop world", would be debuting in October for what appears to be the US market. Therefore, there are still many expectations about what would be happening in the coming days with this group that has given enough to talk about since it was announced less than two days ago.

SM announces Super M: EXO, NCT, SHINEE and WAY V join forces
