The 10 most watched suspense movies on Netflix at the moment
The world of streaming is revolutionizing the entertainment industry, thrillers on Netflix have managed to attract the attention of 100 million users.

The streaming giant is working on new productions of the genre and the arrival of great movie classics.
Therefore, in this article we are going to reveal everything about the best thriller movies that are available in the Netflix catalog. Among the best-known productions, the following stand out: 'Sin respiro', 'choose or die', 'Kidnapping', 'OldBoy' and 'Contratiempo'.
The 10 best thriller movies on Netflix to watch this 2022
Next, we present the best suspense movies on Netflix that we can enjoy on the small screen from the comfort of home.
1. 'Kidnapping'
This is the title of the most viewed thriller on the platform in 2016, based on a suspense story.
The production was created by the American filmmaker 'Mar Targarona' and features performances by 'Blanca Portillo', 'Antonio Dechent' and 'Vicente Romero' in the official cast.
The story follows the life of 'Patricia de Lucas', a successful lawyer who begins to live a life of terror after the disappearance of her son 'Víctor'. The young man disappeared shortly after dismissal time from his school.
At the end of the day the little boy appears bruised, with high blood pressure and is extremely upset after escaping from a kidnapping. From this event, the police begin to mobilize their forces to find the person responsible for the crime, but there is not enough evidence and they do not reach the suspect.
'Patricia' begins to feel helpless and makes the decision to do justice on her own and get the murderer who was trying to end Víctor's life.
2. 'Oldboy'
' Oldboy ' is the title of one of the best known classics in the world, the tape is positioned on the list of best thriller movies on Netflix.
The production was created by the American showrunner 'Park Chan-Wook' and stars 'Min-sik Choi', 'Yoo Ji-tae' and 'Ji Dae-Han' in the official cast.
The story unravels the life of 'Dae-soo', a man who has a quiet life with his wife and daughter.
One night he was going out to work and for no apparent reason he was kidnapped by mysterious people. The protagonist was imprisoned for 15 years in a kind of cell, the only object he had was a television.
After being released after years of torture and altering his mental conditions, he discovers that his wife and daughter were murdered. 'Dae-soo' is determined to recover physically and mentally, capture those responsible for the crimes and bring justice to those who subjected him to the bestial experiment.
3. 'Setback'
' Contratiempo ' is a Spanish production that has attracted the attention of 5 million people on the streaming platform. The production was created and written by the Spanish screenwriter 'Oriol Paulo' and the cast is headed by 'Mario Casas', 'Bárbara Lennie' and 'Ana Wagener'.
It follows the life of a man named 'Adrián Doria', a billionaire businessman who was accused of murder in which he pleads not guilty. The protagonist decides to hire 'Virginia Goodman', the continent's most impeccable witness trainer, with whom he will work day and night until he gets an argument that will get him out of the case.
However, things will start to get complicated for Adrián after the arrival of a new witness who endangers the defendant's strategy and testimony. Now, they will have to put the puzzle pieces back together in a situation where time is against them.
4. 'No breather'
This is one of the most controversial Netflix thrillers this year, with more than 200 thousand fans among the platform's active users.
The shoot was written and directed by showrunner 'Régis Blondeau' and starred 'Franck Gastambide', 'Simon Abkarian' and 'Michaël Abiteboul'.
The story reveals the life of a police officer who, due to economic and personal problems, decides to start new businesses and take advantage of some criminal cases. The protagonist gradually becomes corrupted and quickly begins to increase his financial capital and progress in his life.
The policeman makes the decision to continue leading a conflictive life, protecting himself with the police force. However, the man was reaching extreme levels, getting involved in a cover-up case. His life begins to turn dark after receiving death threats from a witness who remains anonymous.
5. 'Choose or die'
The film ' Choose or Die ' is inspired by a suspenseful and horror story, the title debuted on Netflix in April 2022.
The production was created and directed by the American showrunner 'Toby Meakins' and features performances by 'Asa Butterfield', 'Eddie Marsan' and 'Robert Englund' in the official cast.
The plot tells the story of 'Isaac' and 'Kayla', two friends who find themselves in one of the most difficult financial times of their lives. One day they discover a possible solution to their problems, a video game contest from the 80s, which has a prize of 100 million dollars.
They enter the contest to try their luck, as soon as they enter the game they are transferred to an alternate dimension where they will have to test their skills. Over time, they will discover that the only way to win is by surviving the attacks of each level, the losers will be killed.
6. 'Don't breathe'
' Don't breathe ' is a production that has stood out due to its intriguing plot and its unique cinematographic format. The tape was created and produced by the British screenwriter 'Fede Alvarez'. It features the performances of 'Stephen Lang', 'Jane Levy' and 'Dylan Minnette' in the official cast of the film.
The film narrates the adventures of a group of teenagers who decide to enter a seemingly abandoned house to steal some objects. However, upon entering the property, they learn of the presence of a deaf old man who lives in the house, a well-known billionaire in the area.
Things start to get complicated for the youngsters when they discover that the old man is a deaf war veteran who served in Vietnam. The owner of the house becomes aware of the presence of tenants and will go to any lengths to torture them out of his home. The thieves will have to survive the psychopath of the house.
7. 'The devil at all hours'
" The Devil at All Hours " is among the 5 best Netflix thrillers of 2020, managing to exceed 275 thousand hours of playback. The production was created and directed by the American showrunner 'Antonio Campos'. Starring 'Tom Holland', 'Robert Pattinson', and 'Haley Bennett'.
The film narrates the life of 'Willard Russell', a man who begins to suffer from anxiety attacks after his wife ends up dying from a terrible disease. Because of this, the man will start going to church and stick to prayer so that he can cure his wife.
On the other hand, his son who was bullied for years at his school begins to grow up and becomes a man who knows when to resort to violence. Things begin to turn dark after the arrival of a series of murders that haunt the city of Knockemstiff, Ohio.
8. 'Blood Red Sky'
'Blood Red Sky' is the movie that caused controversy on the Netflix portal in 2019, drawing the attention of 2 million subscribers. The filming was directed and written by film director 'Stefan Holtz' and 'Peter Thorwarth', the cast stars 'Peri Baumeister', 'Alexander Scheer' and 'Graham McTavish'.
The story reveals the life of a woman who decides to take a plane trip with her little son. Both will be making a transoceanic flight that goes from Germany to the United States. However, the passengers start to get upset when a group of terrorists takes control of the flight.
From this moment on, the protagonist reveals her true identity and a special ability that will threaten the lives of the passengers. The woman will have to make a difficult decision if she wants to survive and save her son's life.
9. 'Parasites'
" Parasites " was one of the most famous films in 2020 and managed to win an Oscar, drawing the attention of millions of people.
The film was directed and written by South Korean filmmaker 'Bong Joon Ho' and stars 'Song Kang-Ho', 'Woo-sik Choi' and 'Park So-Dam' in the official cast.
The story follows 'Ki-taek' the father of a poor family who is part of one of the lower strata in Seoul. They manage to survive by paying the bills with temporary jobs and often steal Wi-Fi from nearby neighbors.
The life of the family begins to change when the son begins to teach English in a mansion of the 'Park', a wealthy family from South Korea. 'Ki-taek' comes up with the idea of getting deeper into the life of the 'Parks' until the young man starts recommending his relatives as domestic workers.
Little by little his plan begins to progress and marks the beginning of a crazy gear that will end in a terrible tragedy full of conflicts.
10. 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'
This is one of the best suspense movies on Netflix and in the entire history of cinema, it has managed to transcend from generation to generation.
The film is produced and directed by the American showrunner 'Jonathan Liebesman' and stars 'Jordana Brewster', 'Taylor Handley' and 'Diora Baird'.
The plot is set in the United States in the year 1969, in the middle of the war with Vietnam, the nation was still recruiting young soldiers. 'Eric' and 'Dean' are two brothers who, before going to the defense lines, decide to take a trip to see their girlfriends in Texas.
On the way they suffer a terrible accident with a motorized vehicle, where 'Dean's' girlfriend was thrown from the car and killed. On the other hand, the young people are wounded and will have to deal with the appearance of 'Thomas', a man who will do everything possible to kill them to get to his town.