The pig of Miley Cyrus died

2 min read

famous and renowned singer Miley Cirus shared with her followers the loss of her pet Bubba, better known as "pig pig". He affirms that the death of his beloved piglet fills her with great sadness.

The pig of Miley Cyrus died – Showbiz – WebMediums

On his Instagram he shared photos of pig pig and wrote a meaning message:

"It is very sad to say ... my dear friend Pig Pig has passed away ... I will always miss you, Thank you for so many laughs and good times, girl "

In addition, she shared a photo in which she and pig pig posed for a cover in the magazine Paper in 2015. His pig was extremely important and all the time he shared his photos on his social networks. The singer adopted pig pig 2014 after the loss of her dog Floyd.

The pig of Miley Cyrus died – Showbiz – WebMediums

After being interviewed Cirus said her pig had survived a fire that occurred in her house but her husband saved his animals. "I've never loved him more for this, ", I say in an interview with Howard Ster.

Many have been the famous ones who have had pet pigs for their company. Currently Liam and Miley have 7 dogs, 4 horses and 3 cats, no doubt they are animal lovers.
