The secret of Jennifer Lopez to show off that body at 49 years old

What types of exercise does Jlo perform? What is your secret to look so spectacular?

Arachely Perez
2 min read
The secret of Jennifer Lopez to show off that body at 49 years old

Just turned 49 and his bikini photos have impressed his followers. What does Jlo do to keep that body so slender and healthy?

The Bronx Diva he has always been distinguished by his enviable figure, here I tell you his routine of exercises and eating habits.

In multiple interviews the singer has commented that her secret is the discipline. That is the basis for keeping your beautiful figure.

Jennifer Lopez is very disciplined when it comes to exercise and feeding.

The actress has expressed that neither the days where as a woman she finally feels indisposed lacks her routine and is very strict with her healthy lifestyle.

"I'm like a fighter climbing the ring. I do cardio and all the exercises with my trainer Tracy Anderson. Sometimes, when I get home and I do not feel quite well, I go to the gym, then I take a shower, I put on an incredible outfit, a little makeup, I fix my hair and I feel incredible again with myself "said to redbook

He has also commented to hollywood Life she prefers to train in the mornings, she does not like it in the afternoons since it is harder for her when the day progresses.

The actress tries to train three to four times a week.

Jennifer loves mixing different types of exercise "When I'm with Jennifer, we always work on her whole body, she likes high-intensity exercises, we do a lot of circuits that combine lunges and squats with one leg, we also do a lot of burping and a bit of kickboxing.", He said David Kirsch to the magazine Allure.

For Lopez not only exercise is part of your routine, it also leads to a healthy diet. In the mornings he has protein shakes, usually mixes it with water or milk, and he also drinks decaffeinated coffee, adding that he does not consume caffeine in years.

At lunch opt for a salad of salmon with vegetables, at dinners choose to eat protein that adds to the quinoa. This is the exact diet that the singer revealed in the number US Weekly of January 18, 2018.
