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Know the 5 technological trends for 2022

18 min de lectura
Know the 5 technological trends for 2022 – Technology – WebMediums
Technology trends 2022

Technology does not stop surprising us and especially, new technological trends have become extraordinary elements that proliferate the expectations of human beings. Which is why technology trends for 2022 are eagerly awaited now.

Although these have been developing for a long time, the truth is that until now they have the maturity required to be adopted by organizations. So, during 2022 they will be at their best to optimize various areas of people's daily lives and continue to talk.

Through this post, we are pleased to present what the 5 technological trends will be for 2022 so that you know more about each of them and at the same time, you can prepare yourself as a user:

1) M-Commerce or Mobile Commerce

Know the 5 technological trends for 2022 – Technology – WebMediums
Mobile commerce

It is the trade channel that has grown the most in recent times. Which consists of an e-commerce modality in which the purchase is made directly from a smartphone or any mobile device. Therefore, this includes any monetary transaction carried out through terminals, with a specific application or through a web browser.

In today's market, the importance of M-Commerce is that everyone uses their cell phones or tablets every day and keeps checking mobile e-commerce pages everywhere. Thus, the user's purchase decisions are influenced by the search for information through their mobile device.

It should be noted that the global E-Commerce and M-Commerce statistics affirm this with the following figures obtained in early 2021 :

  • 82% of users researched a product or service on the Internet before making their purchase.

  • 74% preferred to make a purchase online, instead of the traditional way.

  • 66% of people were inclined to use a shopping app for smartphones or tablets, that is, an application to do Mobile Commerce.

  • Around 52% bought using Mobile Commerce.

What payment methods does M-Commerce use?

At the time of purchase, this type of trade provides three payment options that are:

  • Mobile wallet: A virtual wallet that stores your payment card information on a mobile device. The most famous with Google Pay, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Samsung Pay and of course, PayPal.

  • Money transfer applications : These are apps that facilitate the process of sending and receiving money without having a bank account. Among the most used are Apple Pay Pash, PayPal and Western Union, for example.

  • Contactless mobile payments : Consists of using the mobile device to make payments in a physical store, simply by sliding or holding the device over a completely personalized payment terminal.

Differences between E-Commerce and M-Commerce

While e-commerce includes all online purchases that are made remotely using a computer, m-commerce includes all transactions that are made through a mobile device.

In this way, mobile commerce offers the user the possibility of making payments at any time of the day and from wherever they want. But, e-commerce does not allow it to do so because nobody is with their computer on 24/7 in the street.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Commerce


  • It does not require any additional development.

  • Allows you to segment your audience by factors such as age, gender, and geography.

  • It is easy to use through mobile and tablet online browsers.

  • Streamlines and simplifies transactions or online buying and selling operations.

  • Generally, apps of this type have a responsive design, so they adapt to any mobile and reveal great speed.

  • It offers the possibility of executing good practices such as : Optimizing loading times, building customer loyalty, increasing payment facilities and using social networks.


  • Still many people continue to distrust online purchases, despite the security measures they pursue.

  • Due to the responsive version, it is likely that you will lose some differential advantage compared to your competition. Like, for example, web design that can naturally attract the attention of customers.

  • It is necessary to adapt the application to each operating system and this tends to be more tedious or complicated.

2) Robotic Process Automatization

Know the 5 technological trends for 2022 – Technology – WebMediums
RPA technology

It consists of a recent automation technology that is oriented to the use of software and its main objective is based on reducing human intervention in the use of computer apps, especially in repetitive actions. Thus, it is identified as a novel way of automating business processes that replicates the actions of a human being.

In this sense, basically, the software robot is in charge of operating in the user interface in the same way as a human being. Since, the same RPA robots are the ones who manage and communicate with the systems of your company to simplify and accelerate the processes, as well as to reduce the workload of the employees.

Why is Robotic Process Automatization trending?

From now on, the fashionable term in the business sector is "RPA" or Robotic Process Automation, thanks to improvements in productivity, savings and optimization of the user experience. Being an ideal complement for workers when performing repetitive tasks and thus, being able to concentrate on more creative processes.

Consequently, it is estimated that by the end of 2022 around 85% of companies with revenues of more than $1 billion will have deployed this technology. Therefore, it will grow more than 60% annually, going from $250 million to $2.9 billion.

Indeed, there will come a time when this tool deals with doing a variety of activities in order to minimize the responsibilities that fall on employees. Emphasizing that, the robot has the ability to open emails and read them, extract attachments and even recognize certain data contained in the document to make decisions in favor of this.

Therefore, more than a fad, RPA is described as a new way to take advantage of technology to free up valuable time, increase productivity and automate tasks that require high uptime. In this way, it will be easier to transform the processes of any business and generate positive results that strategically help the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of Robotic Process Automatization


  • Save time and money : These processes save time and resources, since RPA takes care of repetitive tasks and a robot is 10 to 15 times faster than a human. In addition, such robots can work 24 hours without interruption and cost less compared to what a full-time employee earns.

  • It multiplies productivity, agility and efficiency : By nature, with this technology the optimization of the efficiency of the processes is weighted between 50% and 90%. Taking into account that, there is no loss of time in correcting errors.

  • Minimization of errors : The error rate is significantly reduced with RPA, since the lack of knowledge or the fatigue that human errors usually generate, does not happen in robots. Thus, the probability of error is zero.

  • It is not an intrusive technology : Fortunately, robotic process automation can be integrated into any company without causing disruption to its systems. Since bots connect to web applications easily without intervening in the system department in any way.

  • You get amortization in just 3 months : With RPA in pay-as-you-go mode, there is the possibility of acquiring a quick return. Also, you should not carry an initial investment or operating costs.


  • Loss of flexibility in organizations : The fact of modifying the workflows of the tasks with this system can imply some rigidity and at the same time, significantly minimize flexibility. Therefore, it is recommended that it be scalable in relation to the transformation that the company will support in the future.

  • Inconsistency of the results : Another risk is that errors may occur in the data as a result of the automated execution of processes by the RPA. As a consequence, it will result in a loss of data integrity.

  • Reputational damage : The algorithms of this technology can adopt unacceptable patterns or make erroneous decisions from an ethical point of view. Thus, reputational risks may appear that negatively affect the company and obscure its professionalism.

3) Blockchain or Blockchain

Know the 5 technological trends for 2022 – Technology – WebMediums
Blockchain or chain of blocks

While it is true, the Blockchain can be defined as a mathematical structure suitable for storing data in a way that is almost impossible to falsify. In other words, it refers to a single and consensual registry that is distributed in several nodes of a network.

In this way, the Blockchain or Blockchain consists of a public electronic book that is shared with disparate users openly and creates an unalterable record of their transactions. It should be noted that its name comes from the fact that each digital record in the thread is called a "block" and thus, admits the possibility that an open group of users participates in the electronic book.

Since it is controlled by various users, the Blockchain can only be updated by a consensual approval between the participants of the system. Taking into account that, each time new data is entered, it cannot be deleted.

What are the main applications of the Blockchain?

Currently, the concept of the blockchain is used in several areas, the main ones being:

  • In the field of name registration databases, it is used to have a notorious name registration system, so that each of them can only be used to identify the object that has it registered. Thus, it emerges as an alternative to the traditional DNS system.

  • In the field of cryptocurrencies, the Blockchain is used as a non-modifiable notorious public in order to avoid the fact that a coin can be spent twice. Therefore, with its peculiarities, it is used in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

  • In the case of transactions, it is handled as notoriously distributed to make them more secure, traceable and affordable. Indeed, it is used in banking transactions to prevent money laundering, in payment systems, in digital asset management systems and in sending remittances.

  • In terms of decentralized platforms, it is also used as a basis to support the creation of smart contract agreements between peers. Thanks to this, these platforms allow a network of peers to manage their same smart contracts that are built by users.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Blockchain


  • Multiple uses or applications : The blockchain is characterized by its versatility to be applied in various fields. Therefore, it can adapt to the needs of any user.

  • Provides an ultra-secure network : Security is another point in favor, because the data that is transmitted is kept intrinsically encrypted, and it is practically impossible to modify the information on the network.

  • Provides trust between strangers : As it operates based on the consensus of the information content, this technology works as an intermediary between strangers to grant great trust.

  • It is highly resilient : Another benefit is that the Blockchain is tolerable to failure in some node and in case of breakdowns, the network can continue working with the latest version of the information available.


  • Excessive amount of resources : By default, it uses multiple resources when checking multiple copies of the same record; this is because it is a consensus network. Consequently, if 51% of users who control the network are dishonest, they could corrupt it without hindrance.

  • Potentially Increases Unemployment : By cutting out information brokers for added confidence, many professions may be affected. In other words, the same thing happens with the advancement of technology; which raises unemployment in many areas.

  • Information processing speed mutability : If there is a problem in the network or the processing fees tend to be cheap, the speed of the transactions is noticeably reduced.

  • It is not possible to regain access to the account : In the event that a user loses the password to access their account, they do not have the possibility of requesting new access. Which means that there is no contingency plan for this eventuality.

4) Teleworking

Know the 5 technological trends for 2022 – Technology – WebMediums
Working from home is in fashion

It is no secret to anyone that both work and academic tasks are now carried out remotely and / or from home. Therefore, it is estimated that during 2022 they will continue to be applied in a hybrid or even fixed way.

In the case of teleworking, it consists of a form of labor organization that refers to the performance of remunerated activities using information and communication technologies as the basis for the contract between the company and the employee. In this way, its distinction lies in the fact that it does not need the physical presence of the worker to carry out its work.

Predictions reveal that teleworking is unlikely to disappear and, contrary to this, it will rather continue to proliferate in the future. For this reason, many companies will find themselves in the need to reorganize and adopt this modality of work to emerge in favor of the development of technology.

What types of telework are handled so far?

Regarding the main types of telework that are used today, the following should be highlighted :

  • Mobile : It is one in which the worker carries out his work some days from his home (or anywhere he wants) and other days from his position in the office.

  • Home : It consists of teleworking that, in its entirety, is carried out from home or at the employee's home.

  • Telecentre : This type of telework occurs once the company or organization allocates a certain area for its workers to develop the type of activities required, but outside the central office.

Factors to take into account to implement teleworking

  • Promote teambuilding : It is essential to facilitate interaction between workers through monthly, quarterly or annual events so that staff creates a certain affinity with each other. Therefore, it serves to establish a greater bond with the team (not everything is remote work).

  • Training employees in new technologies : At an organizational level, it is pertinent to use innovations in the field of remote work in favor, depending on your business model. Thanks to this, you can increase efficiency when working remotely and get the most out of this modality.

  • Establish control mechanisms : With technology and adequate management, employers have the possibility of measuring the efficiency of their employees, while improving their motivation and boosting their effectiveness from a distance. Everything, depending on the goals to be achieved to keep the schedule for compliance and reward their work.

  • Emphasize digital security : Digital security or data protection in teleworking is essential, both outside and within the company. Therefore, it is important to take extreme security measures in the face of possible risks, especially when workers use an Internet connection different from that of the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of teleworking

Pros for employees:

  • Save time and money : Since it is not necessary to get ready to go to work or travel to the company, you can save time and invest it in other less stressful activities. Like, reduce costs of gasoline, public transport, clothing or food on the street.

  • Greater work flexibility : You have the opportunity to choose the best time to carry out your professional tasks and this will allow you to feel more committed, as well as to attend to other commitments easily.

  • More quality time with your family : Not having to be in the workplace for hours, allows you to spend much more time with your family without interruptions caused by the demands of a conventional job. This is relevant to the good performance of any person.

Cons for employees:

  • Distractions at home : Unfortunately, your home can also be your downfall when you work on it. Well, there are many distractions that are likely to detract from discipline or organization. Whether it's cleaning the house, having to cook, watch TV, go shopping, etc.

  • Little interaction with other people : Isolation is one of the most unfavorable elements of teleworking. Since, instead of being able to interact with your colleagues or have lunch with them, you can only have one or another virtual meeting with the team.

Pros for businesses:

  • Saving money.

  • Decrease in absenteeism.

  • Taking advantage of the same position.

  • Offer greater job satisfaction.

Cons for companies:

  • Possible data and information leaks (it is difficult to control the theft or duplication of data).

  • Many cybersecurity risks (malicious attacks, loss of information, etc.).

  • Modification of the organizational culture (it is not easy to change this modality, especially due to market demands).

5) FinTech or Financial Technology

Know the 5 technological trends for 2022 – Technology – WebMediums
Financial technology or Fintetch

The term "Fintech" is related to the set of companies and financial services that transform the use of information technology to optimize the way of providing administrative and financial services. Thus, it corresponds to a new industry with which organizations can provide agile, efficient, reliable and comfortable financial services.

Consequently, Financial Technology consists of an industry that applies new technologies to financial and investment activities, through its processes, products or business models. However, the participation of FinTech is not limited to the financial industry, since it presents different applications with which small, medium and large companies can manage their own finances.

Main objectives of FinTech initiatives

  1. Allow more access to financial services and thus guarantee much more transparency in the financial offer.

  2. Use technology to provide better solutions to financial services.

  3. Adding value to the financial services that are handled today.

  4. Provide efficiency at the cost level of current services without much complication.

  5. Transform new financial services to meet customer needs.

  6. Disintermediate financial products that can be provided from person to person.

Specifically, what is FinTech for?

In short, FinTech's main purpose is to add value to the financial services that are used today. As well as, generate practical solutions through technological innovation to accounting, administrative and economic activities.

But, beyond this and revolutionizing financial processes, you will surely wonder what FinTech is for in general terms and here, we clear that doubt:

  • Accelerate transactions, payment processes and online banking.

  • Optimize cybersecurity and the development of systems to safeguard database security.

  • Develop the infrastructure conducive to financial services based on big data, blockchain, data science and business intelligence.

  • Manage online processes in an automated way.

  • Carry out collective financing activities or "crowdfunding".

  • Manage digital assets, cryptocurrencies and monetary policy.

How does FinTech work?

Basically, the operation of FinTech is based on carrying all the processes of banking, administration, accounting and economics in a practical and friendly way. This is achieved using accessible digital tools, such as web platforms, mobile applications or specialized software.

Therefore, to understand how it works, it is necessary to visualize it as a digital methodology with a main focus on each client. Thanks to this, it is particularly distinguished by the strategic added value that it guarantees to satisfy the end user. As well as, for its innovation and democratization of access to services for consumers, investors, entrepreneurs, administrators, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of FinTech technology


  • Great flexibility : This technology offers the possibility of saving information, consulting data in various alternatives and doing it from anywhere or at any time. Therefore, they are ideal for the work dynamics that are imposed in companies today.

  • Guarantees more transparent financial management : Transparency is another of its benefits, so that companies can manage everything in their community safely. Taking into account that, they use intelligent machines to detect suspicious activities or patterns of abuse and prevent money from reaching where it should not.

  • Collect data in real time : It is able to assess the property secure remotely. Thus, there is the ability to view detailed information regardless of the customer's location. Such monitoring provides accurate statements.

  • Democratization of access to financial products : Through FinTech, the financial sector can be more inclusive because it allows a greater number of users to access many financial products, easily.

  • High level of customization : They also allow to meet the particular needs of each user or company in a personalized way. Which means that it guarantees an optimal customer service process.


  • Ignorance on the part of many people : To this day, there is still a wide ignorance of what FinTecht is and what its benefits are. Therefore, for some business relationships, they can lead to some hindrance despite their level of penetration in the financial and business sector.

  • Regulation deficit : It is pointed out that not all FinTech companies have some kind of insurance that protects users in the event of an abnormality.

  • Feeling of lack of security : It is no secret that, as a service managed through the Internet, it reveals some risks associated with cybercrime. So, there are no guarantees that the data is 100% protected.

Since you already know which are the 5 most important technological trends for next year, you can start now to adjust them to your requirements in order to improve your online experience and keep up with the advantages that technology offers.
