Luxor in Egypt

1 min read

Luxor is considered a region of high archaeological and cultural value. A city with approximately 500,000 inhabitants whose main economy is tourism and traditional agriculture.

Luxor in Egypt – Travel – WebMediums

In Luxor you can find the largest number of monuments in Egypt, each of which represents its own history, this is because it was a strategic site to offer tributes and worship the gods.

The impressive buildings are full of passage, buried secrets and ceramics completely molded by hand. However, maintaining each of these details is a high expense for the administration.

Visiting Luxor is a culturally and historically enriching experience. Not only for the variety but for the way in which the monuments have been preserved.

Luxor in Egypt – Travel – WebMediums

The stay is in hotels located in the city which is reached via land and land, being this more delayed, is economic and varied.

Luxox is a small, quiet and relaxing city. It is not a metropolis of festivities, on the contrary it is "rigger" for its characteristics of peace and harmony among its inhabitants who recognize tourism as their main source of income offering a comfort for tourists, respect for the local culture who day a day begins to reappear with their customs.

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Luxor en Egipto
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