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Learn all about the Keto diet and decide if you want to incorporate it into your routine

The keto or ketogenic diet is one in which the highest percentage of energy is obtained from the fats consumed, with a visible reduction in carbohydrates to put the body in ketosis.

This involves primarily using fat for fuel; And it is what makes the weight decrease, so that the body's fat reserves are dissolved by extracting from these reserves the energy necessary for the body to function.

The ketogenic diet is recommended and beneficial for many people, however it is important to take some considerations before deciding to apply it.

This type of diet is considered extreme due to the fact that it places our body in a different function than usual, which is why it is contradictory among popular opinion.

Pregnant women, for example, and those with kidney disease, should generally consult their doctor before implementing any nutritional changes, as this diet can be dangerous for them.

The negatives behind this diet

Some studies claim that this diet may be linked to heart disease, cancer risk, diabetes, and other diseases such as Alzheimer's.

However, it is well known that this diet enhances the loss of weight and fat in the body in a very short time.

It has been recommended for people with seizure disorders, fatty liver, cancer, and obesity.

Although the benefits that are highlighted on this diet are very varied, it is a type of diet that should be taken with caution and by the hand of a nutritionist.

Keto diet

Know the possible consequences of implementing this diet

Lee Crosby is the manager of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and affirms that this is a disaster diet, as it promotes heart and kidney disease, according to the review that was made on it.

One of the main criticisms of this diet is its nutritional deficit, because it restricts foods rich in carbohydrates such as vegetables, cereals and some legumes, in addition to stimulating the consumption of foods high in fat.

Low carbohydrate diets have the possibility of containing few vitamins, minerals and fibers that are necessary for the regular functioning of our body.

Although it is a diet that is fashionable, many health professionals do not recommend it.

Who is most affected by this type of diet?

  • Pregnant: Since it is low in carbohydrates, it has been linked to an increased risk of neural tube defects in babies even when women consume folic acid. It is also linked to an increased risk of gestational diabetes and birth defects.

  • People with kidney disease: Because it could increase said kidney failure. In ketogenic diets where there is a high amount of protein, hyperfiltration can be facilitated; that is, an increase in blood flow to the glomerulus, which has been associated with damage in people with chronic kidney disease.

It has also been negatively associated with various diseases, as it contains large amounts of acid, which can increase kidney disease.

By increasing the consumption of foods that are often linked to cancer, such as red or hyper-processed meats, many health professionals question their effectiveness.

Part of the diet the keto diet

This, in contrast to a lower consumption of fruits and vegetables, has been related to an increase in different heart and kidney pathologies. However, there is very conflicting information about the effects that a ketogenic diet can have.

There are several studies that relate this diet positively with the reduction of other diseases, however, there are more studies that relate them negatively.

The contradiction makes a detailed follow-up with your nutritionist safer, in order to avoid or detect any problems in time.

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