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5 infallible tricks that will help you gain muscle mass

Gaining muscle mass requires a set of basic aspects to follow effectively

One of the common goals when starting gym routines is to gain muscle mass. But, although it sounds simple, the truth is that there is a world of aspects to take into account.

Muscle gain is facilitated through certain precise practices that go beyond diet and exercise. Therefore, the basic notions about this premise will be mentioned below.

Appropriate tips to gain muscle mass

It is understandable that there is a strong belief in training and muscle mass.

However, food is not the only thing that must be taken into consideration, to improve muscle mass, there are other elements that have an impact, and they have been scientifically proven.

1. timely sleep

It will be useless to prescribe a precise training routine with the right diet, without adequate sleep. Rest is essential so that the muscles can regenerate after the session, which reaches its peak at night.

Essentially, the hours of sleep being in gyms should not drop below 7 to 8 hours as such. Otherwise, you will move towards a moment of stagnation from which it will be difficult to get out.

2. Reduce tension and stress levels

Chronic states of stress lead to a feeling of prolonged tension in the body.

Organic substances are released that proclaim a state of constant alarm, which translates into greater energy consumption.

Continuous stress decreases efficiency and performance capacity in gyms

Tiredness, fatigue and insomnia are the direct consequences of this scenario. When it lasts over time, coping with a gym routine will be practically impossible.

3. "Feel" the exercise being executed

The different types of exercises that are executed must be internalized to the letter. For beginners, it is advisable to know the various levels of movements to learn how to perform them without fail. Otherwise, you run the risk not only of stalling, but of serious injury.

4. Do not forget the maximum load

Increasing muscle mass also depends on working at a correct maximum load level. Specialized studies in the field describe a percentage between 60 to 65% of the absolute weight that can be lifted.

Emphasizing this step, it will be possible to carry out the necessary repetitions in any routine. They will range between 6 and 12 repeats to guarantee a high degree of hypertrophy and ideal muscle failure.

5. Constancy and innovation

Gaining muscle is the goal of arrival. When talking about consistency, it is referring to the number of times you train per week. Currently, a minimum of 3 days or a maximum of 5 is considered, alternating muscle groups.

Regarding innovation, it should be emphasized that routines always have to be varied. When the muscle "gets used" to a type of exercise, unfortunately it will not exceed its limits. After a period of 4 weeks as a break point, a change in strategy begins.

What should a diet be like to gain muscle mass?

Once again it is emphasized that diet is around 60 to 70 percent of importance when wanting to build muscle.

In general, it is the backbone of the matter, so diets to gain muscle mass are based on the following parameters:


They are important structures that the muscle requires in order to regenerate and grow.

Today, findings show that 1.2 to 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is required. On average, an amount of 1.5 gr will be enough for the demand.

Salmon, lean beef, chicken, eggs and more are key foods for protein gain

The major sources of protein today are meat foods. In particular, some such as chicken, turkey and fish provide large deposits of these components. Therefore, its inclusion in the diet is a priority.

Healthy fats

The consumption of fats is stigmatized when in reality not all fatty foods are harmful. The virtue is found in knowing how to identify those who contribute what are considered "healthy".

Products such as avocado, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and a variety of dried fruits benefit from the indicated fat intake. Meat and fish also provide different levels of fat classified as essential for the body.

In another order of ideas, it is worth mentioning that ultra-processed foods are the ones that attribute unhealthy fats. Avoiding them as much as possible will be wise to progress.

Complex carbohydrates

Both fats and carbohydrates, most of the time, are decimated for energy. Thus, the body will not have to resort to the deposits it already has, taking advantage of the gain in muscle mass in general.

The diet that adds complex carbohydrates is one in which rice, oats, legumes, vegetables, greens and/or fresh fruits are consumed. With its annex, the nutritional plate will be practically complete.


An average human spends between 2,000 to 3,000 kcal (kilocalories) daily in their daily lives. For hypertrophy and muscle gain, that amount must be exceeded in order not to go into deficit.

There is a wide range of healthy foods with excellent amounts of calories

Based on the aforementioned macronutrients, a dish is assembled that contains all of them and adds calories on demand.

The surplus accumulates in stores of energy and nutrients for the muscles on their way to grow.

Supplementation and hydration

Supplementation is the act of ingesting products intended to enhance the diet. When the gain of proteins or macronutrients in general is not optimal, it is the moment in which they are indicated.

It should be noted that in a recent statement, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) explains the risks of these supplements. Clarify that they are not the first option in the diet, nor are they made to be the only source of energy.

Regarding hydration, electrolyte replenishment is another key point to move forward.

Dehydration is a situation that impairs performance and therefore cannot be tolerated. Approximately 2 liters of water daily have to be ingested with meals.

What are the best exercises to increase muscle mass?

Unfortunately, there is no miraculous exercise that allows you to increase muscle in the short term. The genuine method consists of tight and precise technique, as well as discipline in training.

However, as a non-negotiable trick, there are great types of exercises that are basic for the preparation of the organism. By perfecting them, muscle gain and subsequent hypertrophy will be easier.


Squats are, by default, the category of exercise with the highest probability of success. It is a routine that encompasses many muscles that will benefit from a good technique or maneuver.

It will be sublime to start without weight to correct the crouch position and the distance between the legs.

At the same time, the level of incline also plays a leading role in avoiding injuries. As they grow, the weight load will be more elemental to increase the demand.

Dumbbell raise

It is clear that for the male gender, showing toned arms is their delight. To follow that trend or meet the goal, mastering the dumbbell raise is the first step.

Some many ways to lift arms with dumbbells that are practiced

It will allow the harmonic and paradoxically separated work of each arm. The load used will be well distributed, and the pressure will not be exerted on the dominant limb as in the barbell curl.

Bench press

Expertise in the bench press also ensures optimized muscle development. Although some suggest practicing the movement with assisted machines, there is not much difference.

With a good technique leaning back, pulling the scapulae and separating the arms at shoulder height, everything will proceed excellently.

When lifting the weight or the bar, the support with the feet will promote a good starting point.

Romanian deadlift

Last but not exactly least, the Romanian deadlift is the ultimate exercise. It involves many muscles throughout the body, including those lying posterior to the back.

Placing the feet under the bar, the inclination must be straight until taking it.

It is proposed to separate the hands on the shoulders, the latter being retracted and in an aligned axis. Immediately afterwards, the bar is raised until it is erect and repeat, in the stipulated range, the same movement.

With everything that I have explained in this post, you can now start your routine to gain muscle mass.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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