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What is the best oil for cooking?

When it comes time to cook, it is very important to know what is the best cooking oil? We must bear in mind that there are different types of oil, which are characterized by being richer and healthier. They can also be used for sautéing, baking and drizzling.

How do you know which are the best oils for cooking?

A good cooking oil must be healthy, so when we want to buy an oil we must look at the brands and its presentations. It is important to know that in oil largely by monounsaturated fatty acids.

We must bear in mind that although many people think that fats are very dangerous, they are still an important part of the diet. Because they allow our body to work optimally.

However, we must take into account which one we are going to choose, since there are different types of fats with benefits. If we take this into account, it is very important to know what is the best oil for cooking? Which brings us to the next point.

If we talk about what is the best oil for cooking? The first option that should come to mind is olive oil. This being the right option, since this is the best oil for cooking and one of the healthiest.

We must bear in mind that it is part of the Mediterranean diet. In relation to the compounds of this type of oil, we have monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the body.

On the other hand, this oil has omega-9 fatty acids, which is an oleic acid which does not interfere with the metabolism of omega 3. The ideal would be to choose an olive oil that is 100% extra virgin. This is important as we make sure you don't lose your properties.

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