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How to increase health with green tea?

It is not a secret that teas have helped for generations with the cleaning and required supply of antioxidants. Alone or in combination, these anti-aging are the key, for many, of eternal youth.

We usually drink coffee to fill our days with energy, however, if we cleanse our body it is possible to obtain even better effects with green tea.

In fact, companies specializing in nutrition have decided to combine certain types of tea, but green tea predominates in any combination.

Therefore, in the following article I will talk about how to increase health with green tea. Both its properties and long-term benefits are very relevant for humans.

Green tea properties

Among the many benefits of green tea are anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antiviral and antibacterial. Indispensable for the proper functioning of the body after so many years of poor nutrition.

Green tea blessings.

Green tea blessings

Thanks to these properties the body is much more active in its defenses, and it is possible to avoid chronic or degenerative diseases. It is even possible to fight certain types of cancer and favors the maintenance of the figure.

Green tea taken consistently on a diet is capable of:

Contributes to weight loss

Thanks to its properties, green tea helps eliminate fluid retention, regulate intestinal function and is also capable of transforming fat into energy, increasing metabolism.

Prevents cancer

These include bladder, ovarian, lung, breast, gastrointestinal, and prostate cancer.

This is possible thanks to cell regeneration that does not allow the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.

Avoid heart disease

Helps prevent the effects of bad cholesterol on the heart by regulating levels. On the other hand, it mitigates the risks of suffering from blood clotting thrombosis, as well as stroke and cardiac arrest.

Prevents infections

Whether it is a flu, influenza or another type of infection, green tea helps to plant a good defense against viruses and bacteria that can develop.

It is possible to regulate blood sugar levels

This is a great option for people with diabetes or to avoid diabetes or complications with sugar. The properties of green tea improve insulin resistance, so it is possible to avoid this disease.

Increase energy

Athletes have shown that drinking green tea regularly gives them much more energy during their physical journey. Even its performance has been favored thanks to the transformation of fat into energy.

Control blood pressure

Green tea has bioactive properties that relax the blood vessels, thus regulating the pressure of the arteries.

Green tea can be bought in natural stores in leaves or in sachets. It is usually taken in infusions. Here we show you how to prepare a delicious green tea.

Green Tea

How to prepare green tea?

The infusions are very simple to do so they do not require much procedure. You should consider using a natural sweetener or mixing green tea with other leaves to make it taste less bitter.


  • 1 tablespoon of green tea,

  • 1/2 lemon in juice,

  • 1 cup of water.


1. Put the green tea in a pot with the water to boil.

2. Once at this point, remove from heat and wait about 15 minutes.

3. Add the lemon and voilà!

In three simple steps you have obtained an elixir that will help you prevent or cure many ailments. In addition, you can consume it hot or cold.

If you want, you can add a natural sweetener such as honey, or the one of your preference. The idea is to make it as natural as possible.

You can use it as a base and make fruit smoothies where the sweet taste of the fruit ripens and disguises the bitterness of the tea.

Also, you can prepare it and offer it for a meeting afternoon where it is consumed with enough ice.

How should it be taken?

  • Mainly between meals so that the absorption of iron and calcium can be guaranteed. If you take them as an infusion 3 to 4 times a day.

Make sure that your first green tea intake on an empty stomach is abundant to activate the body from the early hours.

  • If it is in capsule, you can take it in 30 minutes after meals. In the periods of lactation or pregnancy it is recommended only 2 times a day.

  • If your intention is to lose weight you can drink green tea with lemon on an empty stomach, this will not only give you more energy, it will activate your fluid elimination system and the fat gem thanks to the lemon intake.

Some additional information

Since everything in excess is bad, excessive consumption of green tea causes irritability, nausea, anxiety and insomnia.

Likewise, it can cause tachycardia and interfere with the daily absorption of iron.

All about green tea.

In the special case of people who suffer from thyroid and insomnia, it is necessary to consult a doctor before ingesting it, not to present adverse reactions.

Although it is not a remedy, natural medicine in these times has gained a lot of value. Do not be afraid of taking these products, just keep in mind the possible combinations with pharmaceutical treatments that you may collide with.

As always, I recommend that you take a test for a few days now that you see how your body behaves. This way, it doesn't scare you if you start to have a bowel movement three times a day.

Or if you constantly go to the bathroom. Children can also consume it, and it is better to give them tea instead of coffee when they are young.

Remember that its effect is long-lasting so don't waste any more time and help your body increase health with green tea.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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