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Foods to lower cholesterol

One of the great evils of today's society is the consumption of foods with a high caloric content, in fact studies have shown that on average part of the population of various countries have a cholesterol level higher than 250 mg / dl, which it is considered high, since the levels should not exceed 200 mg / dl.

Cholesterol is a substance that is necessary in the body, because it regulates the formation of bile acids, as well as certain hormones and to digest food.

However, despite its importance, when levels are above those considered normal, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases.

What is good and bad cholesterol?

This is something that often confuses people, there are those who talk about how harmful cholesterol is, but then some experts say that there is a cholesterol that is not harmful, and another that is, so how do you know how to differentiate them?

DHL, or High Density Lipoproteins, is what some call good cholesterol, while LDL or Low Density Lipoproteins is cholesterol that is harmful to your body.

6 foods that help lower cholesterol levels

The key to keeping cholesterol levels low is diet, yes, you need to change certain eating habits.

Because just as there are many foods that increase normal cholesterol levels, there are others that can become your best allies when it comes to keeping these levels at bay, know what foods we are talking about.

Whole grains

Studies support that the consumption of whole grains has positive effects in reducing cholesterol levels, one of the most effective when it comes to this is oats, the consumption of oats for 6 weeks, at least about 100 g per day, allows LDL cholesterol levels are lowered.

This due to the fact that it contains a significant amount of fiber, which favors the reduction of the cholesterol level, hand in hand with oats are other whole grains such as; rice, bread, pasta.


Contrary to the belief that people with hypercholesterolemia problems should not eat avocado because it contains a lot of fat, studies have shown that its consumption helps lower cholesterol levels between 9 and 45%.

Although there is still much to study to determine the specific reason for this, so far everything indicates that it is the fiber content that prevents cholesterol from being assimilated, and that its polyunsaturated content reduces LDL.

By consuming a half avocado a day you can get all the benefits of this, especially if you plan to start controlling cholesterol.


Yes, nuts also have an important fat content, which is why experts find the positive effect they have to reduce cholesterol naturally fascinating, the one that offers the greatest effect is the macadamia nut, however pistachios, almonds and walnuts they also bring interesting benefits.

By eating nuts you can reduce your LDL levels by up to 4%, add a handful of nuts, on average 40 g, and enjoy the incredible benefits of these.


The consumption of green leafy vegetables, among which is spinach, is also beneficial for the control of cholesterol levels, this because they help your body eliminate cholesterol through the feces.

Also, these types of vegetables have significant levels of stanols and sterols, which prevent the intestine from absorbing cholesterol very quickly.


When it comes to reducing cholesterol, you may have realized that fiber is key, and legumes are rich in this, that is why they could not be missing among the foods that reduce cholesterol, thanks to fiber, legumes avoid the absorption of cholesterol, for example, lentils help lower LDL levels, while increasing HDL levels which is very beneficial for your body.


When you eat fish, especially blue fish, you get a significant amount of omega 3, and this has very positive effects on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, because it keeps blood pressure at bay. Eat sardines, tuna, salmon, and you can receive healthy fats in your body.

What if these foods are not enough?

It is possible that despite making changes to your diet and starting to include foods like the ones we have mentioned, which regulate cholesterol levels, you will not get the expected results.

In this case you will need to speak with your doctor, he can prescribe some supplements that will help you lower your cholesterol.

Although there are many over-the-counter medications that promise to keep cholesterol within normal limits, we recommend that you take them under medical supervision.

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Graduada universitaria (Profesora de Ciencias) y redactora de páginas webs y nichos desde hace más de 6 años.

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