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Foods to eat on a detox diet

There are many benefits that the detox diet provides.

Diets have become famous in recent years, today we want to talk to you about the foods you should eat on a detox diet. We want you to take care of yourself, your body, to encourage yourself to have better health because that's what it's all about initially, not just looking good, but feeling good.

Today, there are many experts who, through their social networks and web pages, help and encourage thousands of people to follow certain diets or ways of eating. One of them or, at least, one of the best known is the detox diet, which we will talk about next.

What is the detox diet?

The detox diet is a method that consists of eliminating from the body those substances that it does not need, that is, it is about cleaning your body to leave only the things that benefit you.

Although the human body already has organs that are in charge of this task, through this diet you will be able to collaborate with your body and thus recover vitality, in addition to losing a few kilos that you would surely appreciate not having.

Nutritionists often say that there is no food that you should not eat, you simply have to moderate the amount you consume, the time of day you do it and, above all, with what companions you mix your meals.

Everything is focused on losing weight, but in a healthy way, so your body is not decompensated, on the contrary, it gains energy and you will see that the results will be pleasant, because you will not only maintain your figure, but you will gain life, strength, security, among others. stuff.

What foods should you include?

If you decide to follow a 3-day detox diet, we assure you that in that period of time or in a week you will see the results if you only include the following foods:

green leafy vegetables

Studies show that green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli contain substances that help the liver to detoxify the body and get rid of these aggressive and fatty toxins.

So a diet rich in these vegetables will make you create a faster process of eliminating these substances.

red fruits

What are strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates and others, everything that has the red color should be consumed in large quantities. Certainly, we mean the natural red color.

These fruits help the liver to reduce inflammation and eliminate many toxins, in addition, they maintain the optimal level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.

Green Tea

It was necessary to mention a liquid and here you have it, green tea can be consumed at any time of the day, either hot or cold, it is very tasty and even more so if you sweeten it with honey, a real delight!

Green tea, like other foods, helps the liver eliminate toxins, hydrates you and is a good companion to all meals.

extra virgin olive oil

Excellent to accompany salads or add a touch to whole-grain pasta. The oil helps eliminate toxins and, in addition, has other healing properties such as positively influencing the treatment of asthma or respiratory inflammation.

linseed powder

Excellent anticancer, its substances are healthy for all types of diet so you should include it not only in this 3-day detox diet, but also in your daily life to increase strength and prevent such disease.

Interesting detox diet facts

This diet should be started after a process of carelessness or freedom, so to speak, where you have consumed a large part of foods that contain unhealthy fats and sugars, these are mostly processed foods.

The detox diet has three stages where the mixture of food provides you with, in the first instance, preparation. Your body must prepare for detoxification, this phase is known as support; the second is protection to give you the defenses and those nutrients that you lack.

Finally, comes the maintenance stage where the food mix helps you maintain what you have already gained, both in weight and strength. Now, let us remember that this diet has great benefits, since only foods of natural origin are consumed as little processed as possible. With this diet you can:

  • Revitalize your body.

  • Losing weight, as it is the logical end of any diet.

  • Gain rest at night. Yes, good nutrition influences every aspect of your life.

  • Achieve high defenses, which collaborate to avoid diseases and infections in your body.

  • Gain muscle and lower body fat.

  • Look good and feel good.

As you can see, there are many foods that you can include in the detox diet, in addition to the countless benefits that it will bring to your daily life. What do you say? Do you dare to try it?

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Padre, esposo, cristiano y periodista que lucha cada día por ser mejor y dejar un legado de bien.

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