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The best vitamins for exercise that you should include in your routine

Vitamins for exercise that you should include in your routine.

Including vitamins to exercise is essential to enhance the results of your routine and improve the function of your body during physical activity.

Leading a healthy life includes a balanced diet and exercise, so below I will tell you which vitamins you should include before, during and after your workouts.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for the optimal functioning of the human body. Although there are 13 types of vitamins, each one fulfills a specific function in the body and even more so during exercise.

The intake of vitamins can be carried out through drugs, or naturally through food, as we will indicate in this article.

Best vitamins for exercise: ABC

The best vitamins for exercise.

When you exercise, your body makes an effort and consumes extra energy, so by taking vitamins you will be helping it to maintain and recover more quickly.

These are the best vitamins for exercise:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A.

The benefits that vitamin A provides, while you exercise, are related to tissue oxygenation and bone health, since it reduces the risk of fractures, which is essential if you train with weights.

Vitamin A is present in the following foods:

  • Fish.

  • Liver.

  • Cheeses.

  • Butter.

  • Eggs.

  • Red peppers.

  • Kale.

  • Vegetables of yellow, orange and green colors.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B.

Group B vitamins, mainly B1, B2, B3, B9 and B12, are among the most important to include in your routine.

These favor the recovery of the muscles and increase their tone, increase energy levels, stimulate the formation of red blood cells and help with fat loss.

Among the foods that you can consume to obtain the benefits of vitamin B are:

  • Milk.

  • Cheese.

  • egg yolks

  • Meat.

  • almonds

  • Cereals.

  • Soy.

  • Fish.

  • bananas.

  • Chicken breast.

  • Lentils.

  • Vegetables.

  • Avocado.

  • citrus.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is essential to enhance your performance during exercise, as it reduces levels of fatigue, has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat.

It also favors the production of collagen and has an impact on the development of bones, cartilage and skin.

Among the foods that contain vitamin C are:

  • citrus,

  • Kiwi.

  • Strawberry.

  • Guava.

  • Papaya.

  • Parsley.

  • Spinach.

  • Peppers.

Other exercise vitamins and minerals

In addition to vitamins, there are minerals that also favor the body during exercise, among them are:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is another of those substances that should be present in your workouts, since it mainly favors bone health, helps reduce cramps and strengthens the immune system.

You can get vitamin D mainly from the sun, by exposing yourself with sunscreen for at least 15 minutes a day. Also, foods that include vitamin D are:

  • Eggs.

  • Cod liver oil.

  • Tuna.

  • Cow liver.

  • Sardine.

  • Fungus.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is ideal for those who exercise as it protects the tissues from free radicals, as well as the muscles from great efforts and favors their rapid recovery.

You can find vitamin E present in the following foods:

  • Nuts.

  • Spinach.

  • Broccoli.

  • Sunflower seeds.

  • Vegetable oils.

vitamin K

Vitamin K

Another of the fundamental vitamins in your routine should be vitamin K, this helps build healthy bones and tissues and contributes to blood coagulation.

Vitamin K can be found in the following foods:

  • Meat.

  • Cheese.

  • Eggs.

  • Green leafy vegetables.

  • Vegetable oils.

Ideal minerals to help in your workouts

Ideal minerals to help in your workouts.

To complement your intake of vitamins for exercise, you can also include minerals that further enhance the results of your workouts.

Among those to include are:

  • Iron: Helps the transit of oxygen to the lungs and to the muscles.

  • Potassium: Helps nerve function, muscle contraction and maintenance of heart rate.

  • Magnesium: Fundamental for the functioning of bones, muscles and nerves.

  • Calcium: Benefits muscle relaxation and contraction, as well as the maintenance of heart rate.

  • Zinc: Helps healing and muscle function.

Without a doubt, including vitamins to exercise will bring multiple benefits to your body and will help you achieve the desired results.

Remember that you can obtain the necessary vitamins through a healthy diet or through drugs. If you decide to opt for drugs, it is recommended not to do so for more than three (3) continuous months.

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