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Fruit Omelette

Occasionally, we think that tortillas are only and exclusively limited to being a vegetable-based food, but today we will show you that they can also be a fruity combination.

The egg is a very malleable delicacy. You will be able to give it your personal touch by choosing the fruit of your choice.

Fruit Omelette.


  • 400 grams of sugar.

  • 400 grams of mixed fruits.

  • 1 piece of butter.

  • 8 eggs.

  • Lemon zest.

  • 1/8 kilograms of impalpable sugar.

  • 1/8 milliliters of milk.

You can enjoy a light, nutritious and healthy breakfast in a single dish with this recipe for Fruit Omelette. Where when making an omelette in the form of French crepes and filling it with fruit, they become a delight.

Seasonal fruits.


  1. Remove the skin of the fruit, cut into fine pieces, place in a container, incorporating a quantity of sugar, then let stand in its own juice until it fades. You can place in a pan to integrate faster.

  2. Mix the eggs, incorporating the sugar, lemon zest and milk.

  3. In a large frying pan, place the butter, make the tortilla, when removing from the heat we add the jelly obtained from the fruit and wrap it.

  4. In a refractory place the tortillas, sprinkling with impalpable sugar.

  5. To decorate it is optional, heat an iron to shape your tortillas.

So you can delight your palate with this Fruit Tortilla recipe, in addition to having a delicious and healthy breakfast.

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La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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