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Say goodbye to toxins in a week with this detox plan

Say goodbye to toxins in a week with this detox plan

If you don't feel comfortable with what you see in the mirror, and you want to transform your healthier lifestyle, this is the right time to do it. Since through a 7-day detox plan, you can regain balance in all aspects.

By nature, a detox plan helps you modify certain habits and follow a cleansing diet to put aside that inability to concentrate, that annoying stress and that swelling that your body shows.

Over time, the body needs more support to eliminate toxins that accumulate day by day and that, unfortunately, do not allow you to move forward.

Hence, the importance of helping those internal mechanisms that are responsible for eliminating toxins and that, in many cases, are unable to act with total efficiency. To know how to carry out a detox plan in the best possible way, we invite you to read this post.

What is a detox plan, and what is it for?

While it is true, a detox plan refers to a detoxification or cleansing of the body that is achieved by making certain changes in the diet to facilitate the body's process of eliminating impurities, toxins and waste. Therefore, it is not a diet to lose weight.

For its part, specifically, a detox plan aims at a program of several days in which a diet free of any substance that may be toxic or difficult to digest is carried out. For example: saturated fat, processed foods, alcohol, coffee, sweets, and whole dairy products.

In this way, detox plans are those that serve to cleanse the body through a healthy and balanced diet that accelerates the process of eliminating toxins. Which can enter the body through food, air, water or skin.

Thus, the detox plan allows the organs of the human body to work much better and consequently, they will be involved in the proper functioning of the body. This type of regimen streamlines the purification that these organs must perform day after day. Thus promoting a healthier lifestyle to stay healthy.

What are the main benefits of undergoing a 7-day detox plan?

What are the main benefits of undergoing a 7-day detox plan?

Now, beyond discerning that this procedure can help you eliminate toxins or waste that, in one way or another, affect the body; Most of the people wonder what are the real benefits of doing a detox plan for a week and therefore, here we highlight the main ones :

Purify your body

It allows you to cleanse yourself from the inside and this will automatically be reflected through your skin and hair, which tend to regain their vitality and shine.

Increase energy levels

The detox plan is also ideal to have much more energy and strength to do everything you set out to do. In other words, detoxifying is synonymous with having more energy.

Connect better with your body

The fact of detoxifying your body will significantly help you learn to listen to your body, know what it needs and thus, provide it with the most convenient at the right time.

Strengthen the immune system

It is also effective to give more vigor to your immune system and thanks to this, you will feel more protected against any external aggression. In other words, it helps you raise your defenses.

See everything much more clearly

The purifying process is ideal to open your mind. In that sense, you will feel more receptive and thus, you will benefit your communication and concentration skills in an unparalleled way.

Become aware

Another advantage of carrying out a detox plan is that it will lead you to become more aware of the importance of avoiding saturating your body and thus keeping your body healthier and full of energy.

What foods cannot be missing from a week-long detox diet?

What foods cannot be missing from a week-long detox diet?

To learn more about this type of purification and become more familiar with it, you must take into account which are the main foods that cannot be missing from a detox plan :

  • Apple: Contains a large amount of antioxidant substances that fight free radicals.

  • Broccoli: Provides a significant amount of calcium that contributes to the strengthening of bones and protects people from free radicals.

  • Grapes: As they provide polyphenols and flavonoids, they help control bad or harmful cholesterol, protect the heart and lower blood pressure.

  • Carrot: Helps to synthesize vitamin A with optimal protective properties of vision, as it is rich in antioxidants.

  • Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries: They help to prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases, because they are not rich in proanthoianidin (an antioxidant).

  • Nuts: For example, walnuts and almonds are rich in Omega 6, which is an essential fat that cannot be synthesized directly in the body and therefore must be introduced into the diet externally.

  • Tomato: It is rich in lycopenes and its absorption improves if it is accompanied by a fat such as olive oil. In this way, it acts as a free radical scavenger.

  • Salmon: This animal protein helps build muscle and cell membranes, as well as offering excellent antioxidant properties.

Best keys to acquire daily detox habits

Best keys to acquire daily detox habits

To carry out a detox plan, it is also important to obtain certain habits that will allow you to see the results more efficiently. Among these habits, we highlight those mentioned below :

Try not to eat a lot of processed foods

Although this is not such a simple task, the truth is that it is possible to achieve it. Since, it is becoming more and more conventional to see natural products in supermarkets. To do this, make sure you read the nutritional labeling well to verify that it suits you.

Hydrate yourself and drink more water

Daily, at least, you have to drink two liters of water to be able to eliminate waste substances from the body through the kidneys.

Keep in mind that water is a system cleaner by nature and as it turns out, it is capable of removing toxins faster.

Add more vegetables to your menu

A good way to start consuming the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body in an innovative way is to drink green smoothies. In addition to this, it is beneficial to incorporate more vegetables to the menu daily because they have optimal properties.

Drink a green tea a day

Green tea is a source of antioxidants that supports the immune system, improves dental health, slows cellular aging, prevents heart disease, regulates sugar levels, helps control blood pressure, promotes weight loss, and more.

Minimize salt intake in meals

If you consume excess salt in your daily diet, you run a high risk of developing heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney failure and even gastric cancer.

We recommend you reduce the consumption of salt in meals, as well as the hidden salt in food (in canned vegetables, for example).

Detox plan idea from Monday to Sunday

Next, we provide you with a menu designed for a 7-day detox plan that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Through it, you can better guide yourself to eliminate toxins from your body and enjoy a higher quality of life :

7-day detox plan

We hope that with all our advice and suggestions, you can have a healthier life through healthy eating and adapting to the best daily habits in order to extend your days.

Written by

Venezolana/Redactora freelance. Tiempo de experiencia: 5 años. He trabajado en webs como Blasting News España, Internet Paso a Paso, Feel Recovery, etc.

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