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Do companies know how to take care of the mental health of their employees?

Mental health at work or telecommuting is crucial to promote productivity and a good work environment.

The mental health of employees is a concept that many companies ignore, but which, in recent years, has become quite popular.

Mental health is considered to be the ability to cope with daily stress without altering physical and emotional well-being. But there are hundreds of factors that intertwine to achieve these capabilities: personal perception, efficiency in completing tasks, and much more.

Work, without a doubt, is one of the most important components; it makes us feel useful, productive and becomes a reward center. This is why considering mental health care by a company and its employees is not a far-fetched idea.

What aspects can alter the mental health of employees?

Technological evolution has allowed many jobs to no longer be limited to spending hours and hours inside an office. Telecommuting is one of the most accepted and best-conceived tools for some employees and employers.

But, no matter where the assignments are made, there are always aspects that can condition the psychological stability of a worker.

Work stress and its consequences

Let's start talking about stress, being for many people, the worst aspect of working. In itself, it is based on inflexible schedules, assignments to fulfill, and bosses to respond to in the event of any failure.

Work stress is the main trigger for other important health consequences.

There is no doubt that this is a predisposing ingredient for mental unhealthiness, as it often motivates depression and anxiety. On the other hand, there is excessive isolation, a condition that appeared after overcrowding during the beginning of Covid-19.

It also highlights the lack of recognition for achievements and excessive workloads. All this is just the beginning of an extensive list of causes that can generate emotional instability in employees.

Still, most of them can be controlled just by making a few adjustments.

Why is balance so valuable?

When we talk about employee mental health, we are referring to the functional parts of every company. It could be said that these are like the cells of a large body, when one of them fails, the others will start to do so.

Clearly, in a company, this is less dramatic, but the analogy is quite apt.

It is important to take care of employees because if they do not feel good about their work environment and their tasks, they will not achieve their goals. Depression, for example, is an altered emotional state that can become disabling.

Depression at work is a common mental disorder that is rarely addressed by large companies.

On the contrary, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders can cause extreme bodily stress. As such, either because they want to finish on time or because they cannot stop working.

Technically, a healthy employee means a job well done, hence the importance of taking care of their mental stability. This automatically translates into better work environments, more productive people, and much more dedication to their work.

That is why all companies must pay attention to the psychological state of their employees.

Is there a way to help them improve?

As a consortium, it is easy to keep the mental health of the employees on top, because it only takes a few turns of the screw. The main thing is to learn to listen to what the hired have to say.

In the end, this makes them feel valued and could add a lot to the company. In an accessory way, the control of work periods and the humanization of them, allows them to be social people.

In addition to the above, spaces can be created to share, where workers can relate to their families and colleagues. The latter means that there are fewer problems at home, a predisposing key for concentration within the work area.

Another tip is to encourage the distribution of tasks. When you delegate, the stress is less and each one has to fulfill a minimum responsibility. All to help to produce a pleasant environment for the development of activities.

The role of the business psychologist

Hiring a business psychologist can also be an excellent tool, he would work for hand in hand with the human resources sector.

His work would be dedicated to improving workspaces; interpersonal relationships and talking with each worker who seems to be deteriorating their work.

The business psychologist will be present to cultivate a less toxic environment.

In short, it is a piece or resource that will mark a turning point. Through it, the shortcomings on both sides will be identified, looking for the best possible solution. It will also prevent the general decline in productivity, seeking healthy policies for workers.

Tips to help your employer!

Many times, due to ignorance, employers are not aware of the mental health of employees, therefore, it is better to give them a hand. As a hire, you can talk with your boss to come up with plans to help you and your co-workers make improvements to your tasks.

In particular, you can also organize meetings to discuss working conditions and how they could be more suitable for everyone. Likewise, if you work from home, you can encourage the humanization of tasks, with video calls and messages in real-time.

In the long run, this prevents them from feeling isolated as a team and allows things to flow less robotically. Do not forget that there can always be people whose work costs them more than others, helping each other to grow as a team.

Working in unison and beyond the jobs, all objectives will be achieved.

Finally, we cannot leave recreational activities aside: a little exercise or an afternoon of games would be excellent for them. A little or a lot, each activity you do will allow everyone to feel good and their mental health to be at its best.

The mental health of employees can save many expenses and generate hundreds of benefits if it is taken as a pillar of the company.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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