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Why should natural plant infusions not be abused?

Why should natural plant infusions not be abused?

Over time, many people have taken a liking to natural plant infusions to deal with different diseases. However, there are those who abuse the consumption of these medicinal teas without knowing the negative effects that they can bring.

However, there is no reason to completely deprive yourself of its medicinal benefits.

The key is to be careful with the consumption of certain plants, and so that you do not run any risk, here I will show you what they are and how they affect us.

Medicinal plants to be taken with caution

The consumption of some can be more harmful than others, so let's know what are the infusions of natural plants, of which we must take care of ourselves.

Equisetum arvense (horsetail)

This plant is one of the main naturist recommendations for those who are looking for a natural diuretic. There are many who mistakenly promote it as a useful infusion to lose weight, which has led many to an exaggerated consumption of it.

Its benefits are not associated with the elimination of fat, but of liquids. Therefore, their excessive consumption will get rid of them, and in turn, important minerals for the vitality of the body.


Many enjoy its consumption due to its relaxing and sleeping properties. Despite this , it is not recommended for anyone with liver diseases, due to some components in it, which can affect the functioning of the liver.

Another reason why its high consumption can be dangerous is that its sleeping effects affect concentration.

Therefore, if the person is carrying out risky activities that require concentration, they could cause accidents.

Green, red and black tea

Within the list of well-known teas, green tea has gained special popularity among many who seek its slimming benefits. In an effort to speed up the process, many significantly increase their consumption and endanger their blood pressure.

Both green tea and the rest of them have a component similar to caffeine. This is what makes them stimulating products, resulting in problems in people with high blood pressure.

Its consumption is not recommended for people with a delicate heart or who suffer from anemia, since its consumption interferes with the correct acquisition of iron.


There is a long list of benefits associated with its consumption, however, its excessive intake can cause some stomach problems.

Heartburn is one of its most common side effects, accompanied by gas production and even stomach pain.


Cinnamon is one of the infusions that has an exquisite smell and taste, in addition to many benefits that favor the body, despite this, it does not escape being risky in excess.

It is well known that it is not recommended for pregnancy, since it can cause abortions. But in addition to this, abusing its consumption damages the kidneys, and causes irritation to people who have ulcers.

On the other hand, it can cause arrhythmia, so its consumption is not recommended for people with cardiovascular problems.

General precautions you should take about infusions

The plants mentioned above are not at all a reason for rejecting infusions, since their consumption in itself is not risky, but the abuse of them. Natural medicine is valid and applicable, but it is always good to take these aspects into account.

  • Do not buy plants in unsafe places: buy them in a reliable place where the person who supplies them to you really knows the product that they offer you.

  • Consult a doctor about the consumption of them: infusions are a way to help our body, but some diseases require medications with direct and exact doses. Whenever you include the consumption of a plant through infusions in your routine, consult your doctor.

  • Do not experiment with unknown plants: it happens to many that sometimes someone gives them a plant or recommends one to make infusions, and then prepares them as a test without investigating well. The reality is that not all plants are recommended for everyone.

There is a whole healthy world sprouting from the earth at every moment, you just have to get to know it and interact with it, with the respect it deserves. Give your body the best of plants, but in a conscious way.

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