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Natural products to whiten your clothes

Keeping your white clothes looking new is an art that not everyone achieves. Its white color gives an elegant appearance, neatness and good care of your clothes. It is enough to see how over time it acquires a yellowish color and with some additional undesirable stains.

Certainly today there are countless chemical products that help you solve the appearance of your clothes and without a doubt, they are very useful.

However, they are often the cause of health problems both in the skin of the hands and allergy problems as well as in the same fiber of the clothing fabric.

Miraculously, natural products are known that turn out to be less abrasive and provide very satisfactory results. These natural products are much cheaper and easier to find even in your own cupboard.

Natural products to whiten clothes

I mention the natural products below and you will see how great they are:

1.- Sodium Bicarbonate is wonderful because in addition to whitening, it gives softness to the garment. You should only put about three tablespoons in a usual portion of soap in the washing machine. Let soak for about 30 minutes and then wash as usual.

2.- The Combined Lemon and Salt extraordinarily whiten the fiber, because it acts directly on them. Removes stains without leaving any traces. Diluted in warm water and soap, leaving it to rest for 20 to 30 minutes, you achieve what you need for your garment.

3.- Hydrogen Peroxide and Ammonia are excellent for strong stains on dark and thick clothes preferably. It is somewhat more abrasive but removes stubborn stains. Just use half a glass of hydrogen peroxide and five (5) drops of ammonia, soak the clothes for half an hour and then wash as usual.

4.- Milk is very good for removing ink stains. Soak the garment in a little milk, about 20 minutes, and then wash normally.

5.- Pure Hydrogen Peroxide is fantastic for removing blood stains, removing traces of blood automatically. Depending on the size or fixation of the stain, the time varies from 5 to 20 minutes. Excellent for people in the health area.

6.- Apple Cider Vinegar is very good for removing stains from the armpits, it extracts traces of sweat and deodorant from the fabric, restoring its well-washed appearance.

Any natural product that makes your work easier and gives you the expected results is highly recommended, both to maintain the quality of the fabric and to avoid skin problems. Dare to use them and you will be surprised.

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