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Foods to quickly lower blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force that blood circulation exerts on the arterial walls, it can have high values, which represents a risk to your health if you do not control it.

Of course, there are many treatments to control these types of problems, but there are some foods that will prevent you from having problems with blood pressure.

Fruits and vegetables

This class of foods should be essential in any diet and to lower blood pressure there are some that help significantly to achieve this goal.

These foods, depending on the type, can be consumed as part of a diet, or also regularly as if it were a medicinal treatment, depending on the benefits it brings you.


The banana is an excellent fruit that you can include regularly in your meals, the banana provides potassium necessary for the day to day, and is an exceptional option to regulate tension.

You can eat it once a day as a snack between meals, OR you can include it at breakfast, something quite practical and nutritious, to start your day greatly.


Blueberries are an excellent option among the fruits that you can use, to lower blood pressure, you can eat them if you feel the symptoms that indicate high blood pressure.

But you can also consume them on a regular basis, 4 times a week would be enough to naturally control your blood pressure levels, and you can lead a healthy life.


Kiwi can be considered an exotic fruit depending on the region you are in, but you can include it as part of an excellent diet to control blood pressure.

Or you can also eat it every time you have a symptom of high blood pressure, depending on the decision you make, the kiwi will provide you with benefits such as fiber and natural antioxidants.

Kiwifruit contains lutein, which helps to take care of your arterial health, while you enjoy a fruit rich in flavor and excellent in its benefits, being one of the preferred options of many people.


Garlic is food that provides many benefits to the human body, one of them is to reduce blood pressure, you can consume it in your meals or more directly by eating a tooth on an empty stomach.

Garlic contains components that reduce systolic pressure very significantly, it is also food with a very low cost, being an excellent alternative,

Aromatic infusions

Nature provides us with many opportunities to take care of our health in an excellent way, we just have to know how to take advantage of every benefit that its many gifts offer us.

Aromatic herbs are excellent options for those who have problems with blood pressure, because consuming them will help control arterial health at any time.


The leaves of the olive tree have many excellent properties to care for and control your blood pressure, thanks to its purifying properties for the human body.

The olive tree helps to dilate the arteries, facilitating the passage of the bloodstream, avoiding all symptoms of high blood pressure, being a very practical option, due to the large population of this existing plant.


Lavender can be consumed as an infusion, to take advantage of all the benefits that this aromatic herb has for you, from relaxing properties to stimulating cellular activity.

Lavender can greatly facilitate the passage of blood through the arteries, reducing any symptoms of hypertension, improving your health significantly.


Oregano is a natural seasoning that is excellent to complement your recipes, but oregano is also a great way to lower blood pressure if you consume it properly.

You can use them to complement infusions, enjoying a cup while taking care of your blood pressure correctly daily.

Oregano has a main component known as carvacrol, which helps to clean the arteries, allowing for better fluidity of the bloodstream.


Valerian is well known for its relaxing properties, something that significantly influences the control of blood pressure, its consumption through infusions once a day, helps a lot in this area.

Valeria helps to restore the high heart rate, generated by stress, thus helping to control any symptoms of high blood pressure.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant with which you can prepare an excellent infusion to properly control your blood pressure, naturally.

Ginkgo biloba has energizing properties, and components that improve blood circulation, helping to lower blood pressure at any time or control it in the medium term.

What should you not eat if you suffer from high blood pressure?

Hypertension is a disease that you have to learn to live with, you can really lead a normal life if you are hypertensive, just eat a balanced diet and do not incur excesses.

You should avoid any food processed, canned or with preservatives that may have high levels of sodium, that way you will improve your quality of life.

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Graduada universitaria (Profesora de Ciencias) y redactora de páginas webs y nichos desde hace más de 6 años.

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