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Fat in the armpits?

Getting rid of accumulated fat in the armpits requires perseverance and specific exercises, although the results usually take time to be perceived, the combination of the appropriate routine with cardiovascular can optimize the process.

Workouts you must do to lose fat. The routine presented below is characterized by being effective and simple to perform, leaving excuses behind because they can be done in the comfort of the house and although some exercises require the use of dumbbells, they can be replaced by bottles of water or bags of sand.

lizards for armpits

Keeping quite similar to push-ups, it consists of supporting your knees to flex your arms with your own weight, pushing yourself up again. Boosting its effects is possible by adding two additional variants.

After about 10 or 15 repetitions in the manner described above, proceed to perform the exercise supporting one leg and stretching the other.

The following version, not suitable for beginners, is based on stretching both legs, performing the entire exercise as a normal push-up, trying to touch the ground with the chest.

"The bird" exercise

Using the dumbbells, it is an exercise that requires standing with your legs slightly apart and your torso leaning slightly forward. The dumbbells will be raised to each side with the arms bent, executing the movement that would be done when flying.

The complexity of the exercise lies in not generating tension in the cervicals, so the force must be only in the arms. A good start is 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Side opening of the arms

The third exercise suggested to get rid of unsightly and annoying underarm fat requires an incline bench and the use of weights or dumbbells, if you don't have the first, an exercise ball will suffice.

Arranged on the bench or ball, the arms will be dropped to the sides holding the dumbbells, these should not be completely stretched, but slightly bent, returning to the initial position, 4 series of 10 repetitions will be performed.

side plank

As its name indicates, the fourth exercise is based on carrying out a plank, but laterally, for this you will have to be on your side, resting your forearm on the ground, to later raise your hips doing everything possible so that the body remains in shape. straight.

To facilitate the performance, the other hand will rest on the hip. The complexity of the exercise is to hold the position as long as possible, repeating it 3 times before changing sides.

Lateral Dumbbell Raise

The last of the workouts to get rid of fat in the armpits also includes weights and is done both standing and sitting, the essential thing is to have enough space to open the arms to the sides.

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, you should raise both arms to shoulder height, taking care to keep your shoulders strait and not load your neck with tension.

Because it is a somewhat complicated training, it is convenient to start with series of 7 to 10 repetitions, integrating more as physical capacity is acquired.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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